----- Original Message -----
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org;TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: 2/4/2006 5:53:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

John wrote:
> But don't you see that if we regard gluttony
> and homosexuality the same,  we cannot
> order anyone out of our churches?   Where
> would we be if sinners were actually allowed
> and even encouraged to attend?
cd: Gluttony and Sodomy cannot be put in the same catagory.To do so will be to confuse what sin is and the results of sin. I am not aware of God destroying whole cities of gluttons but he did for sodomy as to keep that sin from spreading to infect others-and punished the sinner as an example to us-the same as the did to those who died in the wilderness-prior to entering the promised land of Canaan.
Heb 4:11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Christ hindered this spirit with the knowledge of the gospel but in the last days it will spread-as it has been doing so-even as you said to be a hate crime. Which it is in the UK and Canada already.
This in itself should show there is a difference-to those who would see gluttony included eating till one threw up into a bucket and then state eating again-true for the Greeks Paul spoke of.To eat till one gains weight is not sin as God promise to make our bones wax fat with the good of the land.If gaining weight was sin what is the correct one should have?

Isa 58:11 And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

This is not to say gluttony isn't sin-to put food before all else is gluttony and wrong. But to confuse what right and wrong is -as is being done in this manner is error. If some men lie does that make the ones who commit fornication innocent? Or because some men lie do we lose the right to warn against Sodomy?



If a person in the church professing to be a brother in Christ believed that
he had a civil right to be a glutton, but he does have a civil right to be either a glutton or a homosexual !!  and that people in the church were
wrong to consider gluttony a sin, here we are close to being in agreement.    then that person should be put out of the
church.  I a fellow believer was promoting gluttony through advocacy in the
church, that person should be rebuked, and if he did believe that he needed
to repent of such, he should be put out of the church.

This is not about treating one sin different from another er. Ah, but here we are again.  In the immediate above, you argue aganst one who is teaching his sin as acceptable.  That is not the same thing as "treating one sin different[ly] from another."   The fact is we d o this very thing.   It is obvious, often, that a glutton is a glutton.   Yet, I have never heard of anyone being disfellowshipped for this failing.   On the other hand,  if one attends a church on a regular basis and it becomes public knowlege that he is gay,  well, there are many , many churches that would present him from attending. 
  It is about a
great deception concerning the sinfulness of homosexuality.  It is about a
false stereotype toward those who teach sound doctrine.  It is about bigotry
against those who embrace the apostle's doctrrine.   There is truth in what you say here. 

David Miller.

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