Lance, the problem it appears is with your definition of "believer"
As to the assumption below - I for one would say YES. Believers have certain
fruit in their lives and it is not the kind you describe here.

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Am I to assume that YOU would be incapable, excellent researcher that you
are, of making a legitimate case FOR the maltreatment of AT LEAST those
three groups I mentioned by believers? Am I to assume that, over the course
of the last 20 centuries, believers have not, regularly and, over a
protracted period of time, treated other believers in an ungodly/unbiblical
Should you actually say to the former 'yes Lance, I'm incapable of
doing so' and, as to the latter 'no Lance, I as a believer never have, no
member of my immediate family ever has and, no group of believers I know of
ever has' then I shall do what I can to demonstrate otherwise.

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: February 12, 2006 15:17
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fem. God- Dave H. get bathing suit.
> Lance, the problem is that the 'woman bashing' that you read into it is
> from
> a false stereotype that has been programmed into your mind from this
> present
> world system.  This mindset is actually a delusion, a deconstruction of
> something real into something that is not real.  It is the spirit of
> Anti-Christ.  This is the same problem I have preaching on campus about
> homosexuality, or having a sign that says, "help prevent homosexuality."
> With such a message of hope to help the homosexual, I am immediately
> typecast into being a hatemonger and homophobe.  Why?  Because the bigotry
> and false stereotype that has been programmed into the minds of others,
> that
> anybody who believes that homosexuality is immoral or preventable is
> filled
> with hate.
> Did you even read the context of Tertullian's message here?  Please look
> it
> up.  If you need me to do the homework for you and paste the text here or
> provide a link, let me know.
> Please consider his context and his audience.  He was speaking to
> women, whose heart it was to alter the Creator's work upon them, by dying
> their hair yellow, and wearing black eyeliner, and foundation makeup, and
> braiding the hair, and wearing jewelry and ornaments, fine clothes of
> purple, etc.  This is a GENDER issue.  Men generally speaking are not
> prone
> to spending an inordinate amount of time trying to make themselves
> attractive in this way.  Why do the women do it and not the men?  There
> are
> several explanations.  Tertullian was giving his perspective, based in
> Scripture, a passage from the book of Genesis which all seem to accept as
> Scripture, and text from the book of Enoch, which Tertullian accepted as
> Scripture but realized that not everybody did.  In the context in which he
> spoke this, I have no problem with him speaking a reproof to women in this
> way, reminding them of Eve's sin and how their deception about this
> wearing
> of makeup is similar.  He gave a historical backdrop, and his reason for
> all
> of this was not to suppress women, but to elevate them.  He was
> contrasting
> the condemned and cursed condition and linking the wearing of makeup to
> this
> with the gospel believing liberated woman, who is promised the same
> dignity
> of men in the resurrection, a seat from which to judge the very angels
> that
> taught the women to wear makeup and do other things besides.  Even if you
> think his reasoning has problems, you should not misrepresent him as being
> somebody who was mistreating women or as someone engaged in 'woman
> bashing.'
> The only way this idea has any way of flying is if it is lifted out of
> context and misrepresented as you and Debbie have done by sharing these
> quotes in the way that you did.  I think you do this out of ignorance, but
> the problem is that you are probably even ignorant of the fact that you do
> it in ignorance.  That is the problem with delusion.  You don't know that
> you are actually believing a lie.
> David Miller.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fem. God- Dave H. get bathing suit.
> IFO could read more than a little 'woman bashing' herein, David/Dean. I
> don't believe that either of the two of you would as, IMO, you both adopt
> a
> more traditionalist understanding of the role of
> men/women..husbands/wives.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: February 12, 2006 08:05
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fem. God- Dave H. get bathing suit.
>> Thank you David for this.
>>> [Original Message]
>>> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: <>
>>> Date: 2/11/2006 9:37:40 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]  Fem. God-   Dave H. get bathing suit.
>>> Lance wrote:
>>> > And do you not know that you are an Eve?
>>> > The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives
>>> > in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too.
>>> > You are the devil's gateway: you are the unsealer
>>> > of that tree: you are the first deserter of the divine
>>> > law: you are she who persuaded him whom the
>>> > devil was not valiant enough to attack. You
>>> > destroyed so easily God's image, man. On account
>>> > of your desert - that is, death - even the Son of God
>>> > had to die. ~ Tertullian, Second Century
>>> The context of this is from a paragraph about modesty in apparel
>>> becoming
>> to
>>> women.  The quote stops short in that some sentences later, he concludes
>>> this train of thought by saying:
>>> "Accordingly these things are all the baggage of woman in her condemned
>> and
>>> dead state, instituted as if to swell the pomp of her funeral."
>>> So he was not denigrating women here.  He was establishing some
>> historical
>>> guidelines, expounding upon the judgment of God toward the woman which
>> said,
>>> "In pains and in anxieties dost thou bear (children), woman; and toward
>>> thine husband (is) thy inclination, and he lords It over thee."
>> Tertullian
>>> quoted this passage just before the quote given by Debbie above.
>> Tertullian
>>> then goes on, based upon the writings of Enoch (which he holds to be
>>> Scripture but recognizes that the Jews did not because they did not
>>> think
>>> such writings could survive the flood, but Tertullian believed Noah,
>> Enoch's
>>> great grandson, to have taken it with him in the ark), to argue that
>> women
>>> who wear mascara and jewelry and fine ornaments were taught this by the
>>> angels that had sinned and come down and married women.  He points out
>> that
>>> these same angels are the angels that we will judge, and if we will
>>> judge
>>> them, what is it that women have to do with these things they brought to
>> us,
>>> being consumed with putting on makeup on their face, or coloring their
>> hair,
>>> or wearing fine jewelry.  He points out that these are things of the
>> earth
>>> and nothing that women of God ought to be concerned with.  Then he
>>> points
>>> out that the promise of judging these angels also is given to women;
>>> therefore, they ought not be involved with these things that were
>>> dishonoring to the Creator.  Tertullian writes:
>>> "For you too, (women as you are,) have the selfsame angelic nature
>> promised
>>> as your reward, the selfsame sex as men: the selfsame advancement to the
>>> dignity of judging, does (the Lord) promise you."
>>> Such a statement is along the lines of there being no male or female in
>> the
>>> eyes of God.  It is an empowering statement, that women will be made
>> judges
>>> of angels on an equal level with men, so the quote taken out of context
>> to
>>> make Tertullian look like a woman basher is erroneous.  Debbie would be
>> wise
>>> to hear the end of his conversation.
>>> David Miller.
>>> ----------
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