----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/15/2006 6:19:05 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

You seem more reserved than when preaching on the street, Dean. Surely you will say what you mean for our benefit. 'too much dancing around'?? Are 'we' a cult IYO?
cd: Not really-Sometimes it is loud to large group other times it is  a quite one on one. One must react to the group -with control of course.By "dancing around" I mean jumping from one part of the bible to another part but leaving out the whole (ie completeness). I don't think you are a cult yet IMO, but do see the groundwork in place for being a cult.
1. Does your group thinking override the Bible. Yes as I have seen you guys agree against truth against clearly defined passaged (supported by many places in the bible and agree with the whole). that say differently. Mormons do the same thing.
2. Does your group have a charismatic leader? Yes, Baxter- as was Joseph Smith.
3. Does you group have a clearly biblical moral agenda. No-nor do Mormons. The commandments are secondary and don't exist for Christians. J. Smith -Adultery is not a sin.
4. Does your leader make outrageous statements? Yes-God is neither male of female.-J. Smith-We will be Gods in heaven.
5. Does you group have continual revelations that does not have to have biblical support. Yes," as the group will receive on going revelations and it decides truth". Even what God is- Male /felmale/calf. J. Smith Jesus is brother to Lucifer -Sin in the garden is a good thing.
6. Does you group focus on receiving money for religious activities. Baxter-3 nights $60.00,price of tapes..etc.Smith-donations are required. Jesus- You were freely given so freely give.
 If I am correct your group will make false prophecy statements next and give a wild explanation for nonfulliment.Respectfully-You are walking on dangerous ground Lance.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 14, 2006 18:00
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/14/2006 7:16:19 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

'birth of a cult'?
'group thinking-no standards to point out error'?
'see why your group don't like preaching such as David (Miller) does'?
These are rather serious accusations, Dean. These are certainly not borne out when reading the 'group' via TT.
I had a rather lengthy conversation just last evening with a friend who reads TT regularly. I have for the longest time 'heard' only one voice on TT, said I to my friend, that has a 'cultic' ring to it. That voice belongs to no one in 'the group'.
Over the decades I've encountered a handful of persons who claimed 'special access' to God; 'special giftedness' in understanding God; along with 'special insight' into others within the 'believing' community. I'd totally concur Dean, that such should be viewed with caution. 
cd: One thing a cult does is vere away from the bible but leave enough truth to sound convincing. I have yet to meet anyone in a cult that thought they were in a cult. There are too many unexplained sound bible verses in you groups belief.Too much dancing around.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 14, 2006 07:02
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/13/2006 7:19:39 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The door to understanding

In the biblical concept of the “church”

I see an avenue for  continuing revelation, and if not “revelation,”  certainly “interpretation” or “understanding.”   If you will, it is in the counsel of many that our understanding of the biblical text is expanded and/or confirmed.     How important, it is, then,  that the church continue to meet in forums such as this  --  whether virtual or physical.   A community of Being reveals Himself to a community of Believers and it is out of this communal reality that our understanding of God and His thoughts is borne.  

cd: A very good definition of the birth of a cult John. No one truth to live by but group thinking-No standards to point our error if the group agrees with the present circumstance-I can see why your group don't like preaching such as David does-the one is dominated by the many as his voice is lost in the power of the mass.



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