Lance, I am among those who keep the commandments of Jesus and walk in love. 
I have stated such many times.  I believe the Lord is able to keep me from 
sin and transgressions for the rest of my life.  Those who are born of God 
do not sin. This is reality.  Deception comes from those who say they are in 
Christ and yet continue in their addiction to sin.  Christ is light and in 
him is no darkness at all.

As for my being on the same footing as the lost of the world in my need for 
redemption, you are right.  I preach such almost every time I preach to 
sinners.  I preach that I cannot point my finger of judgment because I am in 
need of mercy just like they are in need of mercy.  I am not the Judge, but 
rather I only bear testimony of the Judge because I know him and he has sent 

David Miller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lance Muir
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Greek Present Indicative

DAVID:We await your response to the specific post re:DM/SIN Was it not you 
who made the christology/sin  along with the ideaological/pragmatic 

DAVID:It may be that not unlike the cast in 'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the 
Room'  that though your Greek grammar,  logic,  vocabulary aand your 
grooming (?) are impeccable, IFF you, along with the rest of humanity, 
ACTUALLY DO SIN IN THOUGHT/WORD/DEED DAILY then, you are simply wrong for 
the 'right' reasons. Don't be affeared David, y'all wouldn't be the first to 
have so thoroughly 'missed the mark'.(theologically) Thank the Lord David, 
provision has been made for such as you.

We promise not to make up signs reading 'BEWARE! DAVID MILLER, A (redeemed) 
To: ;
Sent: February 18, 2006 20:32
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Greek Present Indicative

You are still sticking with your bias of how you have been taught to read
the present tense.  Don't you notice how you keep retranslating the words
into an ing form that accepted translators do not use in their translations
(KJV, NASB, etc.)?   I don't care about the translations.  It (ing) is a way 
of bring out the linear action of the verb and it is the accepted manner of 
doing so in all the grammars I have seen.   What do you think I was 
presenting to you when I gave sources complete with page reference?   They 
all use the "ing"   and for the same reason I use that ending.  Are you 
suggesting that Robertson's comments (as you understand them)   trumps all 
of these grammictal illustration?   That the first year boys simply did not 
get it right  --  all of them?   But more than that  -- you do not think 
that "walk in the light" is an ONGOING activity?  Or that as long as I deny 
sin ()whatever that means) I will CONTINUE to be considered a liar.  You 
don't see that?   And, are you saying that present indicative actives never 
mean to imply linear action?



"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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