Lance wrote:
Believers in all religions are equal opportunity 'throat slitters', Christine. You, Christine, did not threaten such action. Do I believe, under some circumstance, you capable of it? I do.

I am grieved that you believe me capable of such actions.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Good Afternoon/Morning Christine:
Believers in all religions are equal opportunity 'throat slitters', Christine. You, Christine, did not threaten such action. Do I believe, under some circumstance, you capable of it? I do.
All speech, Christine, is heard by God.
IFO do not believe that US troops ought to be in Afghanistan, Iraq or, in a number of other locations.I therefore believe that you (USA) generate some of the violence that ensues.
IFO believe a variation on the former applies to some of the actions taken by you, your dad and, some others on some occasions. 
IFO recognize the plurality on TT and, can live with it. I believe God embraces this plurality globally. 
Follow your conscience, Christine and, take to heart the words of Gamaliel in Acts 5:38,39.  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: February 28, 2006 16:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

I'm sorry Lance, I must have missed the part where I threatened to slit your throat in the name of God because you said something I didn't like.

See the difference?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mock a Mormon - Amen!
Irritate Islam - Praise the Lord!
Confront Christianity by preaching at, not to, secularism, feminism, homosexuality, adultery and, every other evil never to be found within the believing community (?)
Confront Christianity (real believers)-Begone you spirit of the evil one!
Yes, it is difficult to offer up equitable posts on all issues. 

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