As I see events David, you were 'attacked' by neither A or I. As I see it you invaded while uninvited. The UN opposed your action.

The parallel you question is, IMO, partly right and partly wrong. Your responses to aggression are commendable. IFF you shouldn't be doing what you're doing, in the way you're doing it then..........(as DM said Duh!)

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: March 01, 2006 12:25
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] The 'spirit' of truthtalk?

Lance wrote:
IFO do not believe that US troops ought
to be in Afghanistan, Iraq or, in a number
of other locations.I therefore believe that
you (USA) generate some of the violence
that ensues.

In case you forgot, Lance, we did not start this fight.  You sound like
someone arguing that because someone who is attacked fights back, they are
responsible for some of the violence that ensues. Well, duh, yeah, you are
right about that.  There are going to be a lot more punches thrown when
someone fights back. Does that mean that we should never fight back? What
do you recommend as the proper response toward those inflicting violence
upon us?  What will your response be when they start blowing up the
buildings in your town and beheading your children?

Lance wrote:
IFO believe a variation on the former applies
to some of the actions taken by you, your dad
and, some others on some occasions.

Now you are really blurring the lines.  I am not fighting physically with
anyone. A homosexual man hits me over my head with a baseball bat. What do I do? I tell him, "God bless you, I forgive you," as I reach out my hand to
shake his hand.  When others spit upon me and curse me, what do I do?  I
bless them.  A woman tries to strangle me in a fit of rage.  What do I do?
Nothing.  I forgive.  Another man swings punches at me and rips my shirt
right off my back.  What do I do?  Turn the other cheek and love him.  The
only fighting I do is spiritual, using the Word of God.

Governmental action and individual action are two very different things, yet
here you treat them the same and think that I am doing something that I
ought not do.  I think you are not dealing with reality.

Lance wrote:
IFO recognize the plurality on TT and, can
live with it. I believe God embraces this plurality

I agree with you about plurality.

Lance wrote:
Follow your conscience, Christine and, take
to heart the words of Gamaliel in Acts 5:38,39.

Except these words do not apply to every situation.  They apply to people
who are not using violence against anyone.

David Miller

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