I preach against Mormonism if that includes you so be it.

DAVEH:  So why did you feign offense when I suggested that the guy in SLC who offered a picture of President Hinckley to tear up might have learned such tactics from SPers?  If you didn't facilitate the actions of that guy....then I wasn't talking about you, Kevin.  I was suggesting that the guy's actions may have been a result of what he learned from SPers in SLC at Conference time.  Those SPers who were not making fools of themselves probably had no influence on the guy.

KD says He is right here ask him!
The request strikes me as a little psycho when we can just ask.
I think you confuse my posts by LDS leaders as remarks pertaining to your held beliefs. I preach against Mormonism if that includes you so be it. I do not preach against DH.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can not discern Deans meaning I guess you would have to ask him. Should I be responsible for everyone elses beliefs now?

DAVEH:   You seemed to have little hesitation claiming to know what I believe, so why you would feign not understanding Dean's meaning seems strange, since you fellas are on the same side of the fence.

Again I have no desire to see you depart from TT.

DAVEH:  Yes, you've said that before....thank you.  As I remember, it was Dean who felt that I should not be given ground here on which to stand.  In the past, he has made it clear that I should be jettisoned from TT.  I do not recall you making any such comments though.

You are always looking for "common ground" I think I can agree with the following:

DAVEH:   I find that interesting.  I did not think you would see it quite the same way as OP stated it.   Hmmmmm.....I learn something every day!

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH:   Thanx Kevin.  Hmmmmmmm.......what do you think Judge Dean meant by h is comment.....I guess I will Get DavH off you back?  His below explanation lacks logical credibility, IMO.
I don't have my crystal ball handy so I can not discern Deans meaning I guess you would have to ask him. Should I be responsible for everyone elses beliefs now?
Any guess from me would be just that. Do you want me to guess, I can do that if you want.
Again I have no desire to see you depart from TT.
Obviously I do not agree with your belief system and am vocal about it as I should be.
Someone else put it this way:
"If I should hear a man advocate the erroneous principles he had imbibed through education, and oppose those principles, some might imagine that I opposed to that man, when I am opposed to every evil and erroneous principle he advances." - Brigham Young, - Journal of Discourses 7:191
You are always looking for "common ground" I think I can agree with the following:
" If we cannot convince you by reason nor by the word of God that your religion is wrong, we will not persecute you, but will sustain you in the privileges, guaranteed in the Great Charter of American Liberty; we ask from you the generosity - protect us in the exercises of our religious rights - convince us of our errors of doctrine, if we have any, by reason, by logical arguments. or by the word of God, and we will ever be grateful for the information, and you will ever have the pleasing reflection that you have been instruments in the hands of God of redeeming your fellow beings from the darkness which you may see enveloping their minds." - Orson Pratt, Th e Seer, p. 15-16
The Bible says:
Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I do not want you gone Dave.

DAVEH:   Thanx Kevin.  Hmmmmmmm.......what do you think Judge Dean meant by his comment.....I guess I will Get DavH off you back?  His below explanation lacks logical credibility, IMO.

I do not complain about you

DAVEH:  From Dean's previous comment.........I guess I will Get DavH off you back....... it seemed as though the Judge was implyin g you were bothered by my presence on TT.  If that is not the case, I appreciate the clarification.

You have no problem with the draconian rules of your leaders?

DAVEH:   Do you have any problems with the draconian rules of the Bible, Kevin?  The Lord gave the Law, and how well we keep it is somewhat a measure of our love for him.  Do you see it the same way, Kevin?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
I do not want you gone Dave.
Please don't misrepresent me I have never said or implied such I am not a pope protestant or potentate!
Banishment and worse is a Popish - Protestant distinctive!
This is in their belief system
I have told you before I am not of the RC nor their offspring the protestants!
I do not chase people down the street come over here Mormon. Repent or else I will...
I will preach but if you are offended plug you ears and avert youe eyes as I have previouslt stated on this forum
The Supreme court has said the same.
I believe in freedom of speech AND conscience.
I have no desire to enforce my beliefs on you.
I have a desire as the scriptures speak, that God will give you a heart of flesh and eternal life.
I do not complain about you
I hardly know you!
I am agains t certain beliefs, that does not mean we could not be friends and still disagree STRONGLY. Ask my LDS friends 
O I left out POTENTATES such as Hinckley
The thinking has been done according to your leaders ya know.
You have no problem with the draconian rules of your leaders?

Dean Moo re <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/9/2006 3:58:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] spirit of Hinn

gave us copies to tear up in from of the Temple-but we didn't do so.

DAVEH:   Thank you for that measure of respect, Dean.
cd: That wasn't not done out of respect. I just don't like being set up/used by Mormons.He told us that Mormons loved the present Prophet (so-called) more then they loved J. Smith-then gave us the pictures then instructed us to tear them up in front of the Temple. Sure sounded like a set up to me? You agree DaveH? Would a Mormon High Priest do such?

I guess I will Get DavH off you back

DAVEH:   ???  Does that mean you have your finger on the EXECUTE DavH button, Judge Dean?  Has Kevin been complaining about me bothering him lately?  I don't recall saying anything to him recently that would be disrespectful......But if he wants me gone, it is within your power to carry out his wishes.
cd: Dave you need to learn to separate the Moderator "Judge More" from Dean Moore. All I meant was that we are headed to our usual take no prisoners debate. 

Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention

DAVEH:   How considerate of you, Judge Dean!   I guess I should fee pr ivileged that you are willing to devote all your attention to me to the exclusion of other TTers.& nbsp; It does seem a bit selfish though.....as you seem to want to smoke all the Ad. Hom. grass yourself!!!    Just don't inhale though, as you might choke on it......   =-O
cd: Sound like you also like a good fight-You admitted to provocking me and I am answering your caslling out and I am standing here Mormon-lets get on with it Pagan.

Dean Moore wrote:
cd: Ouch:-) Hey I have that picture in mutli's-The High Priest that Ruben hung out (what was his name?)with gave us c opies to tear up in from of the Temple-but we didn't do so . Kevin I guess I will Get DavH off you back for a while as soon as David shows of-or better yet I might as well get stated on that:-)So I will be busy for a while-Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention.

 Dave Hansen
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