What could his intentions really be?

DAVEH:  I don't know.  I'm only hearing one side of the story, and without knowing his inner thoughts and circumstances, it would be difficult for anybody to judge him.

if you were to impune those present or SP's would tha t include me?

DAVEH:  Only if you were guilty.  Just because you are one of the SPers does not mean that you are a bad one, if that is the proper way to put it.

why you do not see this as ADHOM.

DAVEH:   Because I did not name you as one teaching the guy to do what he did.  If you feel guilty by association, then that is your problem.   Maybe I am wrong, but if DavidM had been there, I can't imagine him doing anything to influence the guy to do what he did.  Though DavidM is certainly a SPer, if he didn't do anything, he ain't guilty, even though he may associate with those who are guilty.  I hope that makes some sense....

Since it is one of the rules, we are stuck with it

DAVEH:   Apparently, rules really bother some SPers.  If a moderator doesn't want to follow one of the rules, and then makes up rules to keep somebody else from posting material the moderator doesn't like....doesn't that qualify as a double standard?

I would not want you to think that I believe that the ends justify the means.

DAVEH:  Thanx for the clarification, Kevin.  Sometimes it seems that you do believe that way when you post LDS related material and draw inaccurate conclusions about it.

I am not a Lying Protestant!

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmm.......putting it that way, one might conclude you are claiming to be a truthful Protestant.

DAVEH:  Is that not one of the possibilities to consider when a person seems seems sensitive to an issue? 
Thanks Dave, you are one of the only people on TT that really shows such understanding. As you have correctly figured, I am a very sensitive guy, I am just a real cream puff!
Well if one followed the thread you were responding to Dean as to his comment that a Mormon had encouraged SP's to tear pics of the LDS 'prophet', He even supplied the pics. AS it was implied he was not the nicest guy in Salt Lake. What could his intentions really be? Would he qualify as let me borrow the term "snake"? He betrays his own religion.
"DH .....Sounds like something he learned from SPers."
Seeing as I was present and I am a SP and very possibly PUBLIC ENEMY #2 as to the LDS, if you were to impune those present or SP's would tha t include me? I don't see why you do not see this as ADHOM. as an aside, I am actually against such a rule and think it is foolish we do more talk about ADHOM than any other subject. As you might have noticed I posted yesterday some verses that show that Paul under fullness of the Holy Ghost attacked the person of Elymas. There is a use for labels and it is just that; to IDENTIFY. The Erroneous use of labels is in attempting to use them as a part of a "logical" argument. Since it is one of the rules, we are stuck with it. I see the intent of the rule since who wants to read O yeah yur mutha wears combat boots (excuse me PLEAZE, keep your hat on,  Gary)  
As to why I might seem sensitive.
I would not want you to think that I believe that the ends justify the means.
That there is anything such as
"lying f or the lord" LDS
"Theocratic War Stategy" (lying) Jehovah Witness
see Watchtower mag 1957 5/1 "Use Theocratic War Strategy"
"lie of necessity" Roman CATholic http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09469a.htm  
Just Lies RC - Reformed Catholic- Reformed Confederate Theocrats - Protestants
http://www.americanvision.org/articlearchive/12-20-04.asp "So then, from this brief analysis of the Old Testament, there are times when it is appropriate to lie" Gary Demar (RC)
The commandment does not say that "thou shalt never tell a lie."
"Rahab risked everything in order to follow the laws of God, including telling Lies" John Whitehead The Theology of Christian Resistance 1983
"But does God require us to tell the truth at all times? Such a proposition is highly questionable". R J Rushdoony Institutes of Biblical Law 1972 p 543
I am not a Lying Protestant! 
There is something seriously perverted & wrong with anyone that thinks it is RIGHT to Lie!!!! The long philosophic discussions of the circumstances were lying may be employed, are very illuminating shows of the darkness enveloping these minds. Doing wrong is NEVER RIGHT! The following is not "HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE"!
What would give folks such thoughts?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Guilt? What would give you such thoughts?

DAVEH:  Is that not one of the possibilities to consider when a person seems seems sensitive to an issue?  I can't imagine DavidM being sensitive to what I said about SPers, yet you seemed to consider my comment an ad-hom.....why?  Your name wasn't mentioned.  Not even was a specific action mentioned.  Yet it appeared as though you identified with something underlying.  Makes me wonder what makes you tick, Kevin....Do you really think my speculative comment constitutes an ad-hom?  If so....specifically to whom is the ad-hom against?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Guilt? What would give you such thoughts?
Titus Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Notice it i s persons that are defiled not their thoughts/beliefs.
It is people that are cast into HELL not their beliefs!
Do you feel comfortable with SPers who do such, or use other demeaning tactics such as waving underwear?
Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
Jesus taught that those that are offended have no root in themselves MT 13:21 and can not endure.
Are you saying Mormons are ABOVE REPROACH?
Pr 15:10 Correction i s grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.
2 Tim 4:2-4 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
1 Jn 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Pr 27:5 Open rebuke is better than secret love.
We are told in the Book of Jude to contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Lu 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division
Pr 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them
Jn 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does this come close to a NON BLATANT AD HOM in your eyes?

DAVEH:  Naw.....It's just an observation, Kevin.  Why do think it is an ad-hom?  Did you feel a twinge of guilt when reading it?  I would be very surprised if a SPers such as I imagine DavidM to be would fee guilty, as I can't imagine him using simular tactics.   But if it struck a sensitive nerve with you....well, I suppose I wouldn't be surprised.&nb sp; However Kevin, I really don't know you very well.  Do you feel comfortable with SPers who do such, or use other demeaning tactics such as waving underwear?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Sure sounded like a set up to me? You agree DaveH?

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmm again.....Sounds like something he learned from SPers.
WHAT are you implying DH? Does this come close to a NON BLATANT AD HOM in your eyes?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That wasn't not done out of respect.

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmm.. .....Do you have any respect for Mormons, Dean?

Sure sounded like a set up to me? You agree DaveH?

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmm again.....Sounds like something he learned from SPers.

Would a Mormon High Priest do such?

DAVEH:  None that I know would do such.  Hmmmmmmm a third time......Perhaps he was a SPer claiming to be MHP.  If he was indeed a true Mormon, I believe his actions were inappropriate, and I will apologize to you in his behalf.   However, I disl ike drawing conclusions without hearing the his side of the story.

Dave you need to learn to separate the Moderator "Judge More" from Dean Moore.

DAVEH:   That's a mistake I've seen other moderators use as an excuse for improper behavior.  Do you believe that separating Judge Dean from Judge More absolves you from responsible behavior?  If Judge Dean posts an ad-hom, would not be reasonable to expect Judge More admonish him?  If not, then would Judge More be practicing a double standard?

    Perhaps I do have trouble separating the Moderator "Judge More" from Dean Moore.....when I hear you say something to the effect......

Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention

........I pretty much hear Judge More's voice, despite your claim that it is Judge Dean's lips that are moving.  I can't see which side of the mouth you are speaking from, Judge Dean.  I can only read your words and interpret them a s coming from one who intends to take no prisoners.

All I meant was that we are headed to our usual take no prisoners debate. 

DAVEH:   You are the one who called me a pagan, Judge Dean.  If you wish to refuse to apologize for making that ad-hom remark, and if Judge Moore does not call you on the carpet for posting blatant ad-homs, then would Judge Moore be justified in giving me the boot if I merely referred to Judge Dean's _______(fill in the blank) practices?   Your take no prisoners comment seems to imply TT is not big enough for both of us, Judge Dean.  Is that where you want to go with this?

gave us copies to tear up in from of the Temple-but we didn't do so.

DAVEH:   Thank you for that measure of respect, Dean.
cd: That wasn't not done out of respect. I just don't like being set up/used by Mormons.He told us that Mormons loved the present Prophet (so-called) more t hen they loved J. Smith-then gave us the pictures then instructed us to tear them up in front of the Temple. Sure sounded like a set up to me? You agree DaveH? Would a Mormon High Priest do such?

I guess I will Get DavH off you back

DAVEH:   ???  Does that mean you have your finger on the EXECUTE DavH button, Judge Dean?  Has Kevin been complaining about me bothering him lately?  I don't recall saying anything to him recently that woul d be disrespectful......But if he wants me gone, it is within your power to carry out his wishes.
cd: Dave you need to learn to separate the Moderator "Judge More" from Dean Moore. All I meant was that we are headed to our usual take no prisoners debate. 

Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention

DAVEH:   How considerate of you, Judge Dean!   I guess I should fee privileged that you are willing to devote all your attention to me to the exclusion of other TTers.  It does seem a bit selfish though.....as you seem to want to smoke all the Ad. Hom. grass yourself!!!    Just don't inhale though, as you might choke on it......   =-O
cd: Sound like you also like a good fight-You admitted to provocking me and I am answering your caslling out and I am standing here Mormon-lets get on with it Pagan.

Dean Moore wrote:
< META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.2802" name=GENERATOR>
cd: Ouch:-) Hey I have that picture in mutli's-The High Priest that Ruben hung out (what was his name?)with gave us copies to tear up in from of the Temple-but we didn't do so. Kevin I gue ss I will Get DavH off you back for a while as soon as David shows of-or better yet I might as well get stated on that:-)So I will be busy for a while-Group Please keep off the Ad. Hom. grass so I can give the "Provoker" some attention.

 Dave Hansen
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