Since I and I believe God sees you as a IDOL Worshipper that would make you a PAGAN

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmm........You almost made it sound like God is firmly on your side in this matter, Kevin.  You posted the definition of pagan as......

PA'GAN, n. [L. paganus, a peasant or countryman, from pagus, a village.] A heathen; a Gentile; an idolater; one who worships false gods. This word was originally applied to the inhabitants of the country, who on the first propagation of the christian religion adhered to the worship of false gods, or refused to receive christianity, after it had been received by the inhabitants of the cities. In like manner, heathen signifies an inhabitant of the heath or woods, and caffer, in Arabic, signifies the inhabitant of a hut or cottage, and one that does not receive the religion of Mohammed. Pagan is used to distinguish one from a Christian and a Mohammedan. PA'GAN, a. Heathen; heathenish; Gentile; noting a person who worships false gods. 1. Pertaining to the worship of false gods.

.......and then you claim that I am an IDOL Worshipper.   What IDOL do you think I worship, Kevin?

Since I and I believe God sees you as a IDOL Worshipper that would make you a PAGAN. Is that ADHOM?
The God of Mormonism is a FALSE god a pretender. Those that worship it are worshipping a work of Joe Smiths hands.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
OOPS! just noticed the SUBJECT so I reposted & changed

DAVEH:  I was wondering when somebody would bring that up!

Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?

DAVEH:    I don't recall him attacking my beliefs.   He merely judged me a a Pagan and then posted it as a fact, which seems to be a personal attack.  It is an inaccurate judgment, and as it was presented it repr esents a false accusation......does it not meet the definition of the ad-hom rule of TT?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
OOPS! just noticed the SUBJECT so I reposted & changed

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You DaveH are a Pagan.
DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom
Why is attacking your genuinely held beliefs an attack on your person?
Seriously; can you expound?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian) you have clearly showed yourself to be non Christian

DAVEH:   What kind of convoluted logic is that, Judge Dean???  Does any other TTer who understands what Dean said above, agree with his explanation?

You DaveH are a Pagan.

DAVEH:   I respectfully disagree, Judge Dean.  To me, your above comment is a blatant ad-hom, and I will request Judge Moore take the appropriate action if you do not wish to apologize.

he fact that you do not follow the teaching of Jesus Christ

DAVEH:  Is that coming from Judge Dean, or Judge Moore?

Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack

DAVEH:  Really?!?!?!?!   Did you just make a new TT rule, Judge Moore?  Or was that Judge Dean expressing his unfounded wishes?

state a petition to impeach me

DAVEH:   Seems to me that you are doing a good job of it on your own.

< FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff>I am not Judge Dean

DAVEH:  Then am I to assume that every time you pass judgment, you are speaking as Judge Moore?

by your standards isn't that Ad. Homein attacking

DAVEH:  ???   I thought we were playing the game by your standards, Judge Dean!   Hence.....Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack according to you.

I will have to go to the Moderator

DAVEH:   I've not had much luck with him, but I suspect he will listen to you.

Are you implying Dean called you such NAMES?

DAVEH:    I'll let Judge Dean answer that, Kevin...........I say/demand again " Get the "Church of Jesus Christ" name off your temple Pagan!!!
cd: Hey- that is Judge Moore to you buddy. You are the one that put a separation between Christianity and Mormonism-in you comment -and when I declare th at by doing so this is Paganism you state crying .
My Comment:
Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
Your reply:
So let me ask you, Dean......Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?
I called you a Mormon-to which you do not deny-You called me a Christian to wit I did not deny. By doing so you separated the two-and as receiving the first (Mormon) and tagging me with the second(Christian) you have clearly showed yourself to be non Christian-To be non-Christian is to be a Pagan. You DaveH are a Pagan.The fact that you do not follow the teach ing of Jesus Christ is a deeper conformation of that point.
 Get over it the truth is not an Ad. Homein attack- or state a petition to impeach me.I am not Judge Dean -by your standards isn't that Ad. Homein attacking-better stop or I will have to go to the Moderator.Hey -Judge Moore Moderate this!

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Are you implying Dean called you such NAMES?

D ave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups?

DAVEH:   Hmmmmmmmm........well, I hadn't thought about dissecting you guys, but it is a tempting thought you've given me!      ;-)

Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?

DAVEH:  LOL......Sometimes I think SPers are their own worst enemy!  You have the power to push the button that bars me from TT, Dean.  If you do such, I don't think your problems will all go with me.   I've been called a pagan here, a snake in the grass, satan's messenger boy........a nd I've been falsely accused of condoning violence against SPers.  So let me ask you, Dean......Is it the Christian in you doing such-or are you just plain mea n?

Dean Moore wrote:
cd:Dave why are you trying to fuel dissection between the groups??Is it the Mormon in you doing such-or are you just plain mean?.
----- Original Message -----
F rom: Lance Muir
Sent: 3/7/2006 11:03:40 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] ***************Respose - Moderator commentADHOM*************

The latter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 07, 2006 10:10
Subject: Re: [Truth Talk] ***************Respose - Moderator comment ADHOM*************

IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT.

DAVEH:   Is that is because you do not consider yourself a protected friend of the moderator and fear reprisal, Lance.... .or is it because you have a measure of respect for TT rules and other TTers?

Lance Muir wrote:
So Kevin, at least I know where we stand. Thanks for the clarity in your judgment. IFO would not have such an assessment of anyone on TT.

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