So true, so true KD
On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 13:54:02 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
A man may be Theologically knowing while spiritually DEAD.....
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Let me get this straight JD.By Rad Fundies you are talking about people who believe Genesis as it iswritten - Right??PS What is wrong with the Carroll Dean's and the Pat Robertsons of thisworld? You may have to eat those words one day because both are busyabout what they believe God has called them to do and who are you todenigrate another man's servant. O thou Romans 14 theological expert...On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 19:18:00 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:It is a shame we will not be able to finish this thread, I suppose, but I must say something here -- the conflict (speaking for myself) is not between science and religion. It is between religion and fundamentalism (radical fundamentalism, if you will.) Knowing that the first step will not be last step for Rad Fundies, I prefer to deal with the situation outside the school setting. The church has done an excellent job in this regard with the High School population -- but it has forsaken the University campus' without a fight. Truth will win out if compared to that which has no bearings. The failure, here, is with the church and its seeming inability to continue with the college age population. It -- religion - simply does not need to be in collegiate curriculum to win the fight for the hearts and minds of the college age student.The church has done a shameful job with the older student, just as it does with the unwanted-infant population. If the church could place 1.4 million newborns each year -- abortion would be EASILY defeated. But , as long as we think that after birth, it is all up to the infant, well, the battle will rage.In short -- the fundies (and not they alone) do not want the kind of involvement that would make victory in either venue almost undeniable. I do not want the Carroll Dean's and Pat Robertsons of this world running anything of an evangelistic nature.jd-------------- Original message --------------
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lance wrote:
> > If Williams is a 'liberal loonie' then
> > you are a 'sectarian loonie' , David.
> I'm sectarian only in the sense that the holy and the profane ought to be
> separate. I am not sectarian within the group of those who have submitted
> unto Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
> Lance wrote:
> > He is a brother in Christ who believes
> > differently than you on some matters.
> > Now, if that makes him what you say
> > then, that makes you what I say.
> He is not a liberal loony for believing differently from me. The moniker
> was offered because of his statement about how acknowledgement of our
> Creator did not belong in schools. He made an irrational statement,
> assuming tha t CNN reported him accurately. If he is a brother in Christ,
> then I expect to hear a retraction or clarification made soon as other
> believers correct him. If he is not a brother in Christ, then he will
> continue to support the working of iniquity that seeks to remove the
> acknowledgment of God our Creator from the schools. What he said was very
> damaging to our society, to believers who want to acknowledge God the
> Creator in their study of origins. To think that science and the
> acknowledgement of God are incompatible is expected from scientists but not
> from theologians, and certainly not from the Right Reverend Doctor Rowland
> Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.
> David Miller
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
> you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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