El 02/04/14 21:09, Guillem Barba Domingo ha escrit:


I have some ideas of modules to help in the translation process. Exists some of them?

- Translation_suggestions:

A module that adds two readonly lists in translation form, one (similar strings) that show translated strings with a source equal or similar to current string. Second list will be the same but for other languages active in database. Each line will have a button (i will try to put them a shortcut) to copy the translation to current string.

Interesting feature

A very simple module that adds a boolean field to express if an string is pending to translat. The syncronization process or a new process/wizard will recalculate this field in the next way:
- Translated value is empty and source isn't => pending
- Translated value is equal than source => pending
- Fuzzy is true => pending
This field will be searchable, the Language will have a progressbar of how much translated it is.

I don't see very useful having a progress-bar in languages of how much translated they are. Now you can filter the translations of a language with fuzzy == True or empty translated value to know the missing translations.

I don't agree about the computation: Translated value is equal than source => pending. There are lot of translations than source and translated values are the same, for example the name of countries and subdivisions, the name of units of measure, ... and all of them are translated correctly.

Translation_<translation system>:
Similar to "suggestions" but getting the translation suggestion from "google translate" and/or other services.

Interesting feature

Jordi Esteve
Consultor Zikzakmedia SL
Mòbil 679 170 693

Zikzakmedia SL
Dr. Fleming, 28, baixos
08720 Vilafranca del Penedès
Tel 93 890 2108

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