On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 8:50:03 AM UTC+2, M. Murray wrote:
> Re-posting this here, original post located at 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tryton/L6XVbatdtZY
> We're already using Tryton and GNU Health - now we want to create some, 
> initially simple, web-apps that will read and write data to trytond. The 
> choice is between Django and Flask.
> Use case 1: Web app runs in the public talking to trytond in a private 
> network over XMLRPC or JSONRPC
> In this case, Django and Flask on equal footing in terms of tryton 
> integration - we need a client library.
> Use case 2: Web app runs in the same server as trytond, accessible to 
> people who also have tryton logins - flask-tryton gives flask an advantage 
> here.
> However, we feel that Flask is less nice than Django for building web-apps 
> whose requirements are not fully known in the beginning.
> For this reason, we have decided to build a custom Django Database Backend 
> that uses trytond as it's database. It would work in two different ways, 
> depending on the backend-class that you select. One backend class would 
> talk to a remote trytond over jsonrpc and the other would talk to a local 
> trytond by importing stuff from trytond.* (similar to how flask-tryton 
> works).
> Comments, warnings and suggestions please.
You can use Nereid (https://github.com/fulfilio/nereid) which called itself 
"Nereid is a web framework built over Flask, with Tryton as an ORM." 

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