A Dilluns, 5 de desembre de 2011 16:12:33, Mathias Behrle va escriure:
> > It is still a One2One because the name of the relationship is different.
> > One is the move of the invoice and the other one of the payment.
> My point is: If you want to be able to browse from account moves to
> their respective invoices, you will also want to do this from account moves
> relating to payment lines. Finally you would want to know on any move, if
> the current move is related in any way to an invoice and to which one. You
> would have the original move of the invoice (payable/receivable) and the
> payment move(s) pointing to one same invoice. Correct?

The thing is that the relationship between both has a "name". So you can have 
two relationships (two different fields) that relate account.invoice with 
account.move (or account.move.line). So I think the discussion is more about 
what Cédric mentions in his previous e-mail, in which he states that he 
doesn't want to bloat the model with all its possible relations.

I personally prefer to be able to browse from one document to the other 
because there's no duplicate information (the bloat it's in the model/python 
only). For me, exceptions are partners or products to the rest of their 
documents, but I understand that others may have a different POV.

> Making move - invoice a one2one would restrict you from being able to do
> the above. You could only point from the payable/receivable move to the
> invoice.

Albert Cervera i Areny
Tel: +34 93 553 18 03


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