El 29/05/14 19:03, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
On 29 May 18:59, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
>El 28/05/14 11:59, Cédric Krier ha escrit:
> >I created a patch [1] that is a POC for a support of multi-notebook in the
> >client. The idea is to follow the well-known behavior of browser with
> >the SHIFT-click to open in a new window (which could be seen as a new
> >notebook).
>Have you investigated in how to separate notebooks to new windows like done
>on browsers?
Yes too complex.
It's possible to move tabs from one notebook to another, so for me is sufficient.

>Some comments:
>If you open another relate on the second notebook, actualy it shift the
>notebooks, and hides the first one opened. This is some kind of magic, so a
>message of what happened would be very welcome.
I managed to open 3 notebooks, but only 2 are shown, so it seems that one disappeared. To do it:

1. Go to sales -> Open Invoices Relate with shift window. A new notebook gets opened! 2. From the second notebook, open the sales relate with shift view. The first notebook disappeared, so it's a bit confusing.

I don't know if it's the desired behavior or not. Only want to say that if it is some message will be great to warn the user that the first notebook will be hidden but not lost.
>If you do it from the menu, it only opens the second notebook, so I think we
>must have the same behaviour than doing it from relates.
Don't understand.
If I open notebooks from menu, i can not reproduce the same behavior of the previous point (nothing happens if I open the same action more than 2 times). So, for coherence, client must behave equal on both cases.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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