* Cédric Krier: " Re: [tryton-dev] RFC: account_tax_rule_country" (Thu, 4 Sep
  2014 11:49:13 +0200):

> On 04 Sep 11:43, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> > * Cédric Krier: " Re: [tryton-dev] RFC: account_tax_rule_country" (Thu, 4
> > Sep 2014 09:36:58 +0200):
> > 
> > > On 04 Sep 09:02, Udo Spallek wrote:
> > > > Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:49:59 +0200
> > > > Cédric Krier <cedric.kr...@b2ck.com>:
> > > > >I created a module to add from/to country on the matching mechanism of
> > > > >tax rule. It is more a POC about how tax rule should be customized.
> > > > >Comments are welcomed.
> > > > >https://bugs.tryton.org/issue4139
> > > > 
> > > > it would be good to have additionally a coarse grained structuring, 
> > > > for supra-regional groups like, trade agreement zones or free trade
> > > > agreements ...
> > > > These groups are collections of countries or other groups.
> > > > Every membering country has an entry date and could have an exit
> > > > date to the group.
> > > > 
> > > > E.g. countries in the European Union use special tax rules for
> > > > business with other membering countries.
> > > > Instead of defining and maintaining with every single country a single
> > > > tax rule, it would be good to define one tax rule for one group.
> > > 
> > > The main difficulty is that often your local country is handled
> > > differently than others one of the same zone.
> > 
> > So the own country shouldn't be added to such a group.
> But such design will make them not shareable.

Indeed. But having the possibility to use them is already better than nothing
at all. 

Random thoughts:

- We could share the records for such a group, but disable the own country on
  configuration (e.g. when creating the account chart). Looks hackish, groups
  could be used for different purposes.

- If we had an excludes field on the tax rule, we could define: members of the
  group, but not the excluded ones. Still hackish, but a little less.

Other ideas?


    Mathias Behrle
    Gilgenmatten 10 A
    D-79114 Freiburg

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