
Thu, 3 Mar 2016 18:55:44 +0100
Cédric Krier <cedric.kr...@b2ck.com>:
>On 2016-02-20 15:04, Cédric Krier wrote:
>> I would like to submit Tryton as sub-org under the umbrella of Python
>> for the GSoC 2016 [1].
>> I have already some project ideas but before starting to collect
>> them, I would need to get at least two other mentors as required. The
>> requirement to be a mentor is to be familiar with the Tryton
>> development (for example having submit many patches or better having
>> push access).
>> The dead line is set to March 7th.
>> So if you are willing to be a mentor for the all GSoC period, please
>> just answer to this email.  
>OK I take note, so no GSoC this year as nobody else is willing to spend

in 2011 I mentored a Tryton project for GSoC. Unfortunately this year
I will not find the time for mentoring.

IIRC it was helpful for me, to decide mentoring GSoC to know a little
about the project ideas. But for this it seems a little late.
Anyways it is not that hard to mentor a Tryton GSoC project. It depends
on the student and the project goals, but when you have a couple of
hours at beginning, mid-term and end-phase and a regular hour per week,
it could be enough.

Regards Udo
virtual things
Preisler & Spallek GbR
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