El 31/01/18 a les 13:04, Josias Pérez ha escrit:
> So, I want to group these result to show only 
> Group 1   45 (which is the expected behavior), dates are not required in the 
> report.
> I was thinking in add the method set_context to the report and send it to the 
> table_query. In a table_query, without report, using an aditional class 
> 'deparment.context' it works fine and give the expected results. 
> Any help will be appreciated. 
I think the better option is to create two diferents table_queries with
different group bys. And then on your report just use the one you want.

In order to simplify the code, you can use a Mixin as done in the
oportunity module:


Hope it helps.

Sergi Almacellas Abellana
Twitter: @pokoli_srk

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