
2018-01-31 14:51 GMT+01:00 Maxime Richez <maxime.ric...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Some questions and explanations of something i thought easy to realize...
> I decide to create a custom module to add a sequence on an existing
field. In my case, it concerns stock_lot module. There's a field "number"
(type char, required=true) that i need to be "sequenced".
> So in my module, there are 2 classes: Configuration,
ConfigurationSequence to define my sequence and i update the original class
"Lot" to define "number" field "readonly", and set sequence on this number
field when creating a new lot.
> Here's the code: https://pastebin.com/74EXsjT7

I think the problem is:

cls.number.states['readonly'] = True

Try to remove required states that is not True (and/or invisible in case
that you like not show it)

> In the first time, forgot the __register__ method.
> When executing my new module and saving a new lot, this was not working,
i got error on "Number" that is required... it seems number field is not
updated by my new sequence...
> Checking my create method, there's a test "if values.get('number') is
> I discovered this test is not working because value of the field is not
None but "" (checking database, related field is defined as "NOT NULL"
because of the "required = True" in the original model and then couldn't be
> Checking many tryton scripts, i saw it was possible to remove the "NOT
NULL" through the register method with "table.not_null_action('number',
action='remove')"... but not allowed to do this with a custom module
because there is a check if the module_name attempting to update fields is
the original module.
> So, what's the best way to finish my custom module?
> - Changing my original test "if values.get('number') is None:" by "if
values.get('number') == "":" (and keeping the database unchanged) ?
> - Using some sql in the __register__ method to remove the "NOT NULL" on
the "number" column ?

Why not design your feature as the code in party module (from sequence or



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