Le 20/04/2018 à 20:15, Richard PALO a écrit :

Thanks, I'm finding the correct account.account.type instance now with
the following simplified snippet:
        md, = ModelData.find(['fs_id', '=', data[-1]])
        at, = AccountType.find(['template', '=', md.db_id])

But import_data() still balks...

Doesn't seem to like either at.id nor str(at.id)

Looked a bit at the code, which suggests that .rec_name should be used,
but that fails as well

        data[-1] = at.rec_name
        Account.import_data(header, [data], Account._config.context)

The exception message, which is for a type 'provisions_charges',
the first record in my file, gives:
trytond.exceptions.UserError: ('UserError', ("Relation not found: 'Plan de types de 
compte (France)\\\\Passif\\\\Provisions\\\\Provisions                   >pour charges' in 
account.account.type", ''))
The updated 'data' record is as follows:
['158200', 'Provisions pour risques et charges litiges', 'True', '158200', 
'other', '158', '', '', 'True', 'Plan de types de compte
(France)\\Passif\\Provisions\\Provisions pour charges']

I'm wondering if it's a quoting problem returned from rec_name?

Any suggestions?

BTW, It's choking in import_data's get_many2one()

Richard PALO

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