I came across a difficulty noticed during FEC generation (French plan) where I
get the following exception:
  File "/trytond/modules/account_fr/account.py", line 315, in get_reference
    return line.move.origin.rec_name
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'rec_name'

To briefly explain the issue, it concerns a reversal entry having origin set
to the initial entry at the same date (ie:cancel).

As these entries are bulk loaded via an openerp2tryton migration script, 
is invoked for all the moves in the period, period by period.

What I notice is that the origin saved in the database is 
"account.move,-272790" so I
presume the error is related to the fact that the referenced move is not yet 
saved when
the origin was set, even though when really saved, the origin move will have 
been saved.

Indeed, all the moves where the reversal entry is in a different period have 
the origin with
a non-negative number, with no problem during FEC generation. It concerns only 
the moves
generated in the same period for this scenario.

So the question I pose, without resorting to individual saves on the moves 
which would probably
have disastrous timing repercussions on the import (>35K moves), is there 
perhaps an outside chance
that something is forgetting to verify the state (.reload()?) of the origin 
move prior to saving?

Any other suggestion(s)?

If needed, I can probably provide a proteus test script demonstrating the 
Richard PALO

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