Am Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013, 01:26:25 schrieb Chris Larsen:
> Thanks everybody for your very helpful replies. Cédric, allow me to explain
> how I understand Parties versus Addresses:
> If I have one big company as a customer, and this company is one party,
> then I will invariably end up with several contacts within that parts (=
> big company) with their related telephone numbers and other contact
> mechanisms.

..a prerequisite for proper contact management and CRM

> Admittedly, this expands the role of the address-only idea, but it is
> undoubtedly useful. I think this is what raimonesteve and jmartin tried to
> refer to. Of course, I could also shift perspective, and link several
> parties to a super-party, where the party represents the company contact,
> and the superparty the company.
> The open question is what is the most user-friendly approach.
> In any case, "Merci beaucoup!" and "¡Muchas gracias!"; I will try to
> modules provided by Tryton Spain and Zigzag Media, and will report back.

I had a look at this repository as well, lots of useful stuff in it! Is there 
a reason why these modules are kept away from the Tryton standard repo? 


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