Hi, I'm trying to start my first maven project and I'm running into some errors, 3 to be exact. I'm using the latest build of maven from cvs, ant 1.4.1 and jdk 1.4.0. When I do a "maven:compile", I have these errors (full text of the output at the bottom):
1) [update-pom-check] Warning: Error occurred using JAXP to load a SAXParser. Will use Aelfred instead This doesn't kill anything, but it may be part of the problem? 2) [dvsl] [error] ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm' in any resource loader. I noticed this file exists in the velocity source directory from cvs, but not in either of the two Velocity related jars in ${lib.repo}. Do I have the wrong version of those jars somehow? 3) /home/ron/maven/build-maven.xml:331: Error loading the toolbox : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /projects/newmaven/${docs.stylesheets}/toolbox.props (No such file or directory) Then this little baddie. I'm pretty excited about using Maven, so thanks for any help. Ron ========OUTPUT========================================= [ron@ronlt newmaven]$ ant maven:compile Buildfile: build.xml maven:compile: update-pom-check: [update-pom-check] Warning: Error occurred using JAXP to load a SAXParser. Will use Aelfred instead fromVersion -> 1 toVersion -> 2 [echo] pomUpdateRequired = true callUpdateDescriptor: toVersion: fromVersion: updateDvslExists: checkUpdateDescriptor: update-descriptor: [echo] +----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- | N O T I C E +----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- | | Updating project descriptor from version 1 to version 2 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- [dvsl] Loading stylesheet /home/ron/maven/update/v1-v2/update-descriptor.dvsl [dvsl] [error] ResourceManager : unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm' in any resource loader. BUILD FAILED /home/ron/maven/build-maven.xml:331: Error loading the toolbox : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /projects/newmaven/${docs.stylesheets}/toolbox.props (No such file or directory) Total time: 6 seconds