Here ya go...thanks again my friend.
-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 9:42 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: Problems with new maven project Ron, send me your ${maven.home}/build-maven.xml file..... -- dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting Work: Developers:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="maven" default="jar" basedir=".."> <!-- These are the bare minimum set of JARs that maven needs to operate. We don't want to make a big JAR containing everything so we are creating a special maven-classpath reference which is used by the maven operations. This can be cleaned up a bit, these lines can be generated instead of being hardcoded but it gets us around the bootstrap problem and keeps us away from a big fat JAR. --> <path id="maven-classpath"> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/antlr.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/bcel.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/checkstyle-2.1.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-beanutils-dev.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-collections.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-graph.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-io.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-lang-0.1-dev.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-logging-1.0.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-util-1.0-rc2-dev.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/commons-xo-1.0-dev.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/dom4j-1.3.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/jdepend.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/log4j-1.1.3.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/oro.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/regexp-1.2.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/velocity-1.3-dev.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/velocity-dvsl-0.43.jar"/> <pathelement location="${lib.repo}/maven.jar"/> </path> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- I N I T I A L I Z E --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- This deals with loading our path creation task that is used to: --> <!-- --> <!-- a) Construct a classpath from a descriptor file which allows us --> <!-- to store our dependencies externally and makes a build --> <!-- file reusable. --> <!-- --> <!-- b) Construct pattern sets that can be used for various task like --> <!-- copying a set of resources into a JAR for deployment. --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="load-default-properties"> <!-- Set default values for the build --> <property file="${maven.home}/" /> </target> <target name="init" depends="verify-project"> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- V E R I F Y P R O J E C T --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="verify-project" description="o Update JARs required for building" depends="project-properties,load-default-properties,verify-project-proxy,verify-project-noproxy" if="verificationFailed"> <fail message=""> You are missing JARs that must be downloaded manually before continuing with the build. </fail> </target> <target name="prepare.httpget"> <taskdef name="verify-project" className="org.apache.maven.ProjectVerifier"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> </target> <target name="verify-project-noproxy" unless="" depends="prepare.httpget"> <verify-project projectDescriptor="project.xml" mavenLocalRepo="${maven.repo.local}" mavenRemoteRepo="${maven.repo.remote}" /> </target> <target name="verify-project-proxy" if="" depends="prepare.httpget"> <verify-project projectDescriptor="project.xml" mavenLocalRepo="${maven.repo.local}" mavenRemoteRepo="${maven.repo.remote}" proxyHost="${}" proxyPort="${proxy.port}" /> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- P R O J E C T P R O P E R T I E S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- We can't do this until Ant 1.5 because references aren't forwarded in <ant> calls until then. <target name="project-properties" unless="pomLoaded"> <taskdef name="project-properties" classname="org.apache.maven.ProjectProperties"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> </target> --> <target name="project-properties" depends="update-pom-check"> <taskdef name="project-properties" classname="org.apache.maven.ProjectProperties"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <!-- Here is where we need to add checks to see that the descriptor is up-to-date. So we need to: o Check for that the project.xml file is well-formed o Get current version listed in the POM o Get the version required by Maven o If there is a mismatch then update the POM --> <project-properties projectDescriptor="project.xml"/> <tstamp> <format property="current.year" pattern="yyyy" /> </tstamp> </target> <target name="update-pom-check" unless="pomChecked"> <taskdef name="update-pom-check" classname="org.apache.maven.UpdatePomCheck"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <!-- This task will place a property into the build called 'pomUpdateRequired' if the version of the POM is out of sync with what Maven expects. --> <update-pom-check projectDescriptor="project.xml" /> <echo> pomUpdateRequired = ${pomUpdateRequired} </echo> <antcall target="callUpdateDescriptor"/> </target> <target name="callUpdateDescriptor" if="pomUpdateRequired"> <antcall target="update-descriptor"/> <taskdef name="format-pom" classname="org.apache.maven.XmlPomFormatter"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <format-pom input="project.xml" output="project.xml.formatted" /> <copy tofile="project.xml" file="project.xml.formatted" overwrite="true" /> <delete file="project.xml.formatted"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- U P D A T E D E S C R I P T O R --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Updates a project descriptor in XML form between different --> <!-- versions of Maven. --> <!-- --> <!-- NOTE: --> <!-- This only accounts for a transformation across single version. --> <!-- --> <!-- CONSTRAINTS: --> <!-- We need to make sure both ${fromVersion} and ${toVersion} are --> <!-- set and that we have a dvsl transformation to handle the --> <!-- request. --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="updates-available"> <echo> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Updates available: | | v1 to v2 -> ant -DfromVersion=1 -DtoVersion=2 maven:update-descriptor | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ </echo> </target> <target name="updateDvslExists" depends="fromVersion" if="fromVersion"> <available property="updateDvslExists" value="true" file="${maven.home}/update/v${fromVersion}-v${toVersion}/update-descriptor.dvsl" /> </target> <target name="checkUpdateDescriptor" depends="updateDvslExists" unless="updateDvslExists"> <echo> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | ERROR: The specified update cannot be performed, please check your | toVersion and fromVersion and try again. You can also use the | 'maven:available-updates' target to see which migration paths | are available. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ </echo> </target> <target name="fromVersion" depends="toVersion" if="toVersion"> </target> <target name="toVersion" if="toVersion"> </target> <target name="update-descriptor" depends="checkUpdateDescriptor" if="updateDvslExists" description="o Update Maven project descriptor"> <echo> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | N O T I C E +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Updating project descriptor from version ${fromVersion} to version ${toVersion} | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ </echo> <taskdef name="dvsl" classname=""> <classpath> <path refid="maven-classpath"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <!-- Make a copy of the project descriptor before attempting to move it forward to the next version. --> <copy tofile="project.xml.v${fromVersion}" file="project.xml" /> <dvsl basedir="." destdir="./" extension=".xml" style="${maven.home}/update/v${fromVersion}-v${toVersion}/update-descriptor.dvsl" in="project.xml" out="project.xml.${toVersion}" toolboxfile="${docs.stylesheets}/toolbox.props" /> <!-- Give our new project descriptor its proper name --> <copy tofile="project.xml" file="project.xml.${toVersion}" overwrite="true" /> <!-- Get rid of the temporary copy --> <delete file="project.xml.${toVersion}"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- L O C A L I N I T --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="local-init" depends="init"> <mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/> <mkdir dir="${docs.dest}"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- E N V I R O N M E N T --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="env" depends="local-init"> <property name="classpath" refid="classpath"/> <echo> java.home = ${java.home} user.home = ${user.home} lib.repo = ${lib.repo} Classpath: ${classpath} </echo> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- U P D A T E M A V E N --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="maven-update-check" description="o Check to see if Maven itself needs updating"> <!-- Set default values for the build. We don't want the project.xml to be mapped here. Need to clean up the init process and break it up into stages. --> <property file="${maven.home}/" /> <taskdef name="maven-update-check" className="org.apache.maven.UpdateMavenCheck"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <maven-update-check/> <echo> mavenUpdateRequired = ${mavenUpdateRequired} </echo> </target> <target name="maven-update" depends="maven-update-check" if="mavenUpdateRequired"> <!-- We need to update the Maven installation so we need to 1. Pull down the new distribution JAR (hopefully we can make this more efficient than having to replace the whole JAR but it will do for now). 2. Move the old directory out of the way. 3. Unpack the new distribution. --> <property name="mavenUpdateZip" value="maven-${mavenVersion}.zip"/> <!-- Grab the update zip file --> <get src="${maven.updateSite}/${mavenUpdateZip}" dest="${lib.repo}/${mavenUpdateZip}" verbose="true" /> <!-- Back up the old maven installation --> <zip zipfile="${lib.repo}/maven-${lastMavenVersion}.zip" basedir="${maven.home}" /> <!-- Remove the the old maven.home directory --> <delete dir="${maven.home}"/> <!-- Make a the new one --> <mkdir dir="${maven.home}"/> <!-- Unpack the new installation --> <unzip src="${lib.repo}/${mavenUpdateZip}" dest="${maven.home}" /> <!-- Run the little install/build.xml file --> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/install/build.xml"/> <!-- Remove the update zip file --> <delete file="${lib.repo}/${mavenUpdateZip}"/> </target> <target name="validate-pom"> <taskdef name="validate-pom" classname="org.apache.maven.XmlPomValidator"> <classpath> <path refid="maven-classpath"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <validate-pom projectDescriptor="project.xml" xmlSchema="${maven.home}/project.xsd" /> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- U S A G E --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="usage"> <echo message="use -projecthelp to see the available targets"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- P R E P A R E S O U R C E S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="prepare-sources" if="maven.prepareSourceDirectory"> <echo> maven.prepareSourceDirectory = ${maven.prepareSourceDirectory} </echo> <mkdir dir="${maven.prepareSourceDirectory}"/> <!-- We need to do this here but we need to make a fileset reference to make this easier. --> <!-- <copy todir="${build.dir}"> <fileset dir="."> <patternset refid="src.set.patternset"/> </fileset> </copy> --> <ant antfile="${maven.delegatorBuildFile}" target="${maven.prepareSourceTarget}" /> <touch file="${maven.prepareSourceDirectory}/PREPARED"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- C O M P I L E --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="compile" if="sourcesPresent" depends="local-init" description="o Compile project source code"> <antcall target="do-compile"/> </target> <target name="do-compile" depends="env,prepare-sources,javac.compile,aspectj.compile" description="o Compile project source code"/> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- J A V A C C O M P I L E --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="javac.compile" unless="build.includes.aspects" description="o Compile project source code with javac"> <javac destdir="${build.dest}" excludes="**/package.html" debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" optimize="${compile.optimize}"> <src> <path refid="compile.src.set"/> </src> <classpath> <path refid="classpath"/> <pathelement path="${build.dest}"/> </classpath> </javac> </target> <!-- =================================================================== --> <!-- A S P E C T C O M P I L E --> <!-- =================================================================== --> <target name="aspectj.compile" if="build.includes.aspects" description="o Compile project source code with AspectJ compiler"> <taskdef name="ajc" classname=""/> <ajc destdir="${build.dest}" excludes="**/package.html" debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" optimize="${compile.optimize}"> <src> <path refid="src.aspect.set"/> </src> <classpath> <path refid="classpath"/> <pathelement location="${aspectjrt.jar}"/> <pathelement location="${aspectjtools.jar}"/> </classpath> </ajc> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- C H E C K S O U R C E --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="check-source" depends="local-init,env" if="sourcesPresent" description="o Check the source code for style violations"> <taskdef name="checkstyle" classname=""> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <taskdef name="dvsl" classname=""> <classpath> <path refid="maven-classpath"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <checkstyle lcurlyType="${checkstyle.lcurly.type}" lcurlyMethod="${checkstyle.lcurly.method}" lcurlyOther="${checkstyle.lcurly.other}" rcurly="${checkstyle.rcurly}" allowTabs="${checkstyle.allow.tabs}" allowProtected="${checkstyle.allow.protected}" allowPackage="${checkstyle.allow.package}" allowNoAuthor="${}" maxLineLen="${checkstyle.max.line.len}" maxMethodLen="${checkstyle.max.method.len}" maxConstructorLen="${checkstyle.max.constructor.len}" maxFileLen="${checkstyle.max.file.len}" ignoreImportLen="${checkstyle.ignore.import.len}" memberPattern="${checkstyle.member.pattern}" publicMemberPattern="${checkstyle.public.member.pattern}" paramPattern="${checkstyle.param.pattern}" constPattern="${checkstyle.const.pattern}" staticPattern="${checkstyle.static.pattern}" typePattern="${checkstyle.type.pattern}" methodPattern="${checkstyle.method.pattern}" localVarPattern="${checkstyle.local.var.pattern}" headerFile="${checkstyle.header.file}" headerLinesRegexp="${checkstyle.header.lines.regexp}" headerIgnoreLine="${checkstyle.header.ignore.line}" javadocScope="${checkstyle.javadoc.scope}" requirePackageHtml="${checkstyle.require.package.html}" ignoreImports="${checkstyle.ignore.imports}" ignoreWhitespace="${checkstyle.ignore.whitespace}" ignoreCastWhitespace="${checkstyle.ignore.cast.whitespace}" ignoreBraces="${checkstyle.ignore.braces}" failOnViolation="${}" cacheFile="${checkstyle.cache.file}" > <fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="${checkstyle.includes}" excludes="${checkstyle.excludes}"/> <formatter type="xml" toFile="${build.dir}/checkstyle-raw-report.xml"/> <formatter type="plain" toFile="${build.dir}/checkstyle-raw-report.txt"/> </checkstyle> <dvsl basedir="." style="${docs.stylesheets}/checkstyle.dvsl" toolboxfile="${docs.stylesheets}/toolbox.props" in="${build.dir}/checkstyle-raw-report.xml" out="${}/checkstyle-report.xml"> <!-- Need to add the maven jar to load the toolbox --> <classpath> <path refid="maven-classpath"/> </classpath> <tool name="toolbox.string.srcDir" value="${src.dir}"/> </dvsl> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- J A R R E S O U R C E S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="jar-resources" depends="local-init,env" if="jar.resources.present"> <!-- Copy any resources that must be present in the deployed JAR file. --> <echo> Copy resources into destination directory for deployment in the JAR. </echo> <copy todir="${build.dest}"> <fileset dir="${jarResources.basedir}"> <patternset refid="jar.resources.set"/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- J A R --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="jar" depends="compile,jar-resources" description="o Generates the jakarta-turbine-maven JAR file (default)"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-test.xml" target="test"/> <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${}.jar" basedir="${build.dest}" excludes="**/package.html"> <manifest> <attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/> <!-- name should be '/' separated, not '.' --> <section name="${package}"> <attribute name="Specification-Title" value="${id}"/> <attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${currentVersion}"/> <attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${organization}"/> <attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${package}"/> <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${currentVersion}"/> <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${organization}"/> </section> </manifest> </jar> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- D I S T R I B U T I O N S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- We want to be able to create distributions accurately by using --> <!-- a repository identifier to extract a known set of sources from --> <!-- the project's repository with which to create the distribution. --> <!-- --> <!-- We use the ${maven.distBuildDirectory} to checkout a clean set --> <!-- of sources denoted by ${tag} which must be specified on the --> <!-- command line. After the sources have been checked out we proceed --> <!-- to run the 'dist' target which will produce our distribution --> <!-- deliverables with our fresh sources. --> <!-- --> <!-- You would use a command like the following to build a distribution --> <!-- for your project: --> <!-- --> <!-- ant maven:dist -Dtag=MAVEN_B4 --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="dist" depends="dist-check-tag" if="tag"> <antcall target="dist-checkout-sources"/> </target> <target name="dist-checkout-sources" depends="local-init"> <!-- Make sure the dist directory is remove so that we know we are starting with a clean slate. We will also place a file in ${maven.distBuildDirectory} which indicates that it is ok to build a distribution within that directory. --> <delete dir="${maven.distBuildDirectory}"/> <mkdir dir="${maven.distBuildDirectory}/${cvsModule}"/> <touch file="${maven.distBuildDirectory}/${cvsModule}/${maven.distBuildIndicator}"/> <cvs cvsRoot="${cvsRoot}" package="${cvsModule}" dest="${maven.distBuildDirectory}" tag="${tag}" /> <!-- Now that we have our freshly checked out sources we can use those sources to create our distribution. --> <ant dir="${maven.distBuildDirectory}/${cvsModule}" target="maven:dist-build" inheritAll="false" /> <!-- The distributions have been created with fresh sources so lets move the distributions into a visible location and remove everything used to create the distributions so that no mistakes can be made unintentionally. --> <mkdir dir="${maven.distDirectory}"/> <copy todir="${maven.distDirectory}"> <fileset dir="${maven.distBuildDirectory}/${cvsModule}/target"> <include name="**/*.tar.gz"/> <include name="**/*.zip"/> </fileset> </copy> <delete dir="${maven.distBuildDirectory}"/> </target> <target name="dist-build" depends="init" description="o Create source and binary distributions"> <property name="distDir" value="${maven.distBuildDirectory}/${}"/> <mkdir dir="${distDir}"/> <antcall target="jar"/> <antcall target="javadocs"/> <!-- B I N A R Y D I S T R I B U T I O N --> <echo> +-------------------------------------------------------+ | C R E A T I N G B I N A R Y D I S T R I B U T I O N | +-------------------------------------------------------+ </echo> <!-- Copy the project descriptor --> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="project.xml"/> <copy todir="${distDir}"> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="build-maven.xml"/> <include name="README.txt"/> <include name="LICENSE*.txt"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy Jars --> <copy todir="${distDir}"> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Copy documentation --> <copy todir="${distDir}/docs"> <fileset dir="${docs.dest}"> <include name="**"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Create a tar.gz file --> <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${build.dir}/${}.tar"> <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </tarfileset> </tar> <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/${}.tar.gz" src="${build.dir}/${}.tar" /> <delete file="${build.dir}/${}.tar"/> <!-- Create a zip file --> <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/${}.zip"> <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </zipfileset> </zip> <!-- S O U R C E D I S T R I B U T I O N --> <echo> +-------------------------------------------------------+ | C R E A T I N G S O U R C E D I S T R I B U T I O N | +-------------------------------------------------------+ </echo> <delete> <fileset dir="${distDir}"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </delete> <copy todir="${distDir}" file="build.xml"/> <!-- Copy Source --> <copy todir="${distDir}/src"> <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> <include name="**/*.java"/> <include name="**/*.xml"/> <include name="**/*.properties"/> </fileset> </copy> <!-- Create a tar.gz file --> <tar longfile="gnu" tarfile="${build.dir}/${}-src.tar"> <tarfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </tarfileset> </tar> <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/${}-src.tar.gz" src="${build.dir}/${}-src.tar" /> <delete file="${build.dir}/${}-src.tar"/> <!-- Create a zip file --> <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/${}"> <zipfileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}/**"/> </zipfileset> </zip> </target> <target name="dist-check-tag" unless="tag"> <echo> +-------------------------------------------------------+ | The dist target will not execute correctly unless a | | 'tag' property is provided, e.g. | | ant maven:dist -Dtag=MAVEN_B4 | +-------------------------------------------------------+ </echo> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- I N S T A L L J A R --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="install-jar" depends="jar" description="o Installs JAR file in local ${lib.repo}"> <copy todir="${lib.repo}" filtering="no"> <fileset dir="${build.dir}"> <include name="${}.jar"/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- G U M P D E S C R I P T O R --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Converts a Maven descriptor to Gump format so that projects --> <!-- using Maven can easily participate in Gump builds. This also --> <!-- means that the Gump descriptor will be accurate because if --> <!-- the project builds with Maven then the descriptor generated --> <!-- for Gump will be correct. Distribution of responsibility. --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="gump-descriptor" depends="local-init" description="o Generate Gump descriptor from Maven descriptor"> <taskdef name="dvsl" classname=""> <classpath> <path refid="maven-classpath"/> </classpath> </taskdef> <dvsl basedir="." destdir="./" extension=".xml" style="${maven.home}/dvsl/gump/convert-project.dvsl" in="project.xml" out="gump.xml" /> <taskdef name="gump-build" classname="org.apache.maven.BaseProjectTask"> <classpath refid="maven-classpath"/> </taskdef> <gump-build controlTemplate="build-gump.xml" outputDirectory="${basedir}" templatePath="${maven.home}" outputFile="build-gump.xml" projectDescriptor="project.xml" /> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- C L E A N --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="clean" depends="local-init" description="o Cleans up the build directory"> <echo message="Cleaning up ${build.dir}"/> <delete dir="${build.dir}"/> <delete dir="${test.reportsDirectory}"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- C O N V E N I E N C E D E L E G A T O R S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="metrics"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-metrics.xml"/> </target> <target name="test"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-test.xml"/> </target> <target name="docs"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml"/> </target> <target name="javadocs"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="javadocs"/> </target> <target name="deploy-site"> <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="deploy-site"/> </target> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- A N N O U N C E M E N T S --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <target name="announce"> <!-- Need to make sure all these values are set before trying to send an announcement so that we're not spamming people needlessly. --> <property file="${src.dir}/announcements/${announcement}.properties"/> <echo> from="${announcementFrom}" tolist="${announcementRecipients}" subject="${announcementSubject}" files="${announcementFile}" mailHost="${mailHost}" </echo> <mail from="${announcementFrom}" tolist="${announcementRecipients}" subject="${announcementSubject}" files="${announcementFile}" mailHost="${mailHost}" /> </target> </project>