Nice!  I can wait ;-)

On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 11:17:41PM -0400, Pete Kazmier wrote:
> Currently we don't have a good answer for you.  However, we do realize
> this is a problem, and we do plan to address this before Maven is
> released.  I'm not sure where this fits in the roadmap, but Jason will
> be able to provide more information when he returns from vacation (as
> well as his thoughts on a proper extension mechanism).
> In the meantime, you could just add that 'depends' to maven:site as
> well.  Its ugly, we know, and it will be resolved in the future.  Thanks
> for bearing with us!
> Thanks,
> Pete
> On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 10:51:19PM -0300, Christian Willy Asmussen wrote:
> > If I want some task to be executed before a maven:* task is called, I
> > suppose I cannot simply add it as a dependency for the delegators like:
> > 
> > <target name="maven:docs" depends="local:docs">
> >   <ant antfile="${maven.home}/build-docs.xml" target="docs"/>
> > </target>
> > 
> > because in this case, when I run maven:site, local:docs won't be called.
> > So I guess the question is simply, how should I do it (if it's possible).

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 - Keynote

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