On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 05:51:30PM -0700, Moshiul Shovon wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using the the Peer Model for my db access. I am
> using MySQL. 
> The MySQL syntax allows something like "LIMIT 0, 20",
> which will only fetch the first 20 records. Is it
> possible to achieve similar functionality using
> BasePeer.doSelect(...)? 

As far as I know this is not possible right now.

I've checked and it seems that LIMIT is SQL-92, so I see no reason why
this capability shouldn't be added.

I've got some changes to Criteria & SqlExpression (to add support for
'IN' select criteria) that are ready to commit, but as long as no-one
objects I'll add this as well and commit the changes together.

(I'll post a summary of what I'm changing before I actually commit to
give interested parties - John McNally particularly - a chance to

Sean Legassick

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