> However as it happens the mm.mysql JDBC drivers for MySQL read
> the whole resultset into memory immediately, and then ResultSet.next
> just reads out of memory. This makes the architecture of the LargeSelect
> class pretty much useless as it is on MySQL, unless it is modified
> to use 'LIMIT' as well.

This does not seem to be a very good design for the driver, but I shouldn't
talk I've never written one.  Anyone know how the other db drivers handle
the resultset?

Please feel free to add any standard SQL clauses to Query and related
classes.  Group By could be one for example.  Note that if I have a fairly
complicated Where clause (IN is generally means complex enough), I just add
the entire clause as a Custom criteria.  I know the syntax is messy, but it
comes in handy once in a while.

I am not sure how well supported the LIMIT clause is supported, does Oracle
support it?


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