On Mon, Jun 05, 2000 at 10:16:24PM -0500, dave bryson wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> > Secondly on further reflection we _could_ use the WebMacro context tool
> > API - having looked at the ContextTool interface we would be able to
> > retrieve the RunData out of the tool's backpointer to the context (but
> > the retrieval would have to be lazy to avoid looking for it before
> > Turbine had stuffed it in there).
> > However it would mean renaming all the relevant classes and having them
> > extend ContextTool.
> This is only a few at this point.  So if where going to change it now's
> the time.

Sure, agreed.

> Here's what I'm thinking - the WebMacro integration in Turbine is for
> use within Turbine.  Not with WebMacro itself. In other words, I think
> we should optimize where it makes sense.  But at the same time be
> careful not to make it a maint. nightmare.

I'm not sure I understand the point you're making here, although I agree
with the gist.

> What if we extended WebContext and added the method:
> wm.newInstance( RunData ) as opposed to req, resp. This way we can pass
> the RunData object to the tools when they're init().  At first glance,
> this seems to be the only change needed.

You mean the tools could retrieve the RunData through the context
backpointer when they are init()? Yes, that would work, and I don't
think my proposal that the RunData be retrieved lazily is very nice, too
easy to get it wrong (ah, is that what you meant by maint nightmare?) 

> This would allow us to use the ContexTools interface for our tools and 
> add our tools to the Wm properties file.  This would be very clean for
> adding new ones.

The problem I can see now is that if I were to want to use the WebMacro
properties file standalone wioth webmacro as well as with turbine, some
of the tools are going to be inappropriate. Maybe we don't care about
this, maybe we just say I have to use the webmacro properties file only
with turbine.

So this seems pretty close to a good solution, I'm happy. 

Do you want to do it or shall I? (Perhaps we should wait until Jon's
return to check that he's happy...)

Sean Legassick

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