Welcome back, jon!

> Ok, here is a good response from Costin. He does point out a good point
> which is that what we are doing is quite slow. Tomcat 3.2 (to be released
> quite soon) is going to be nearly production quality now and will have
> pretty much the same functionality as JServ. I haven't used JServ in months
> now for development and Tomcat has been just fine for me. Should we consider
> dropping JSDK 2.0 support now?
I'm +1 on dropping JSDK 2.0 support. However, I think it may be safer to get a
solid Turbine release (with WebMacro integration) out first.

> Please note that long term, we need to drop JSDK 2.0 support at some point.
> We should also drop JDK 1.1 to, but I think that will have to wait a bit
> longer until a good 1.2 JVM is on FreeBSD that I can run. Ug.
You may not have gotten to it yet, but there was a recent thread about dropping
JDK1.1 support in Tomcat. Just more fodder...

> -jon

Christopher Elkins

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