The Java implementation model allows components to designate that they are "eager" init which means that they will be initialized when the composite they are in is started rather than on first use.

One problem that I ran into with the extension stuff is that the specification does not say or even allow a user to say in which order the components will be started.

One option would be to follow a lexical convention and say that components will be started in the order that they appear in the SCDL. I have a few reservations about this: * users may have other criteria for laying out the file (for example grouping components together) * this can be confusing in the presence of include elements - users may want to group components together in an include that would fit in different places in the start order

Instead I'd like to propose we support an init-level indicator like the run level from Unix systems. Components would be started in ascending order of the init level they provided.

This could be done as an attribute on the <component> element, something like:

    <component name="start2nd" initLevel="20"> ...
    <component name="start1st" initLevel="10"> ...

This would also allow us to eagerly initialize components without having to use an @Init annotation.

Seem reasonable?

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