In the process of adding support for callbacks, I am adding a CallbackProcessor 
to pick up a callback name and member when visiting a field or a method. I 
added a call to register the CallbackProcessor from DefaultBoostrappers's 
createIntrospector, and I added the following entry to 

<component name="implementation.Callback">

However, when testing, I see that the CallbackProcessor only seems to be called 
for "system" methods but not for "application" methods. For instance, I see 
that RefererenceProcessor gets called for setMyService but CallbackProcessor 
does not, whereas both processors get called for setMonitor.
One thing that I am not sure about is what to do with the component name 
"implementation.Callback" in implementation.scdl, if that has any bearing at 

Any ideas as to what I may be missing to get CallbackProcessor to be called for 
methods like setMyService?


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