A problem I came across (not sure if it's on my end or Tuscany's), was that
I could not have more than one <import.sdo wsdlLocation="..."> tag in my
sca.module file.  If <import.sdo> is used more than once, only the first
wsdl specified is used to register sdo types.  The hack I came up with is to
copy-paste the type definitions from one wsdl into another, and declare them
like this:

   <import.sdo wsdlLocation="File1.wsdl" />
   <import.wsdl wsdlLocation="File2.wsdl" />
   <import.wsdl wsdlLocation="File1.wsdl" />

File1 contains type definitions from both File1 and File2.  Both files must
still be imported using import.wsdl for this to work, and using
import.wsdlmore than once IS successful.

Big Bank appears to use 2 import.wsdl tags, as well as
   <import.sdo factory="com.bigbank.account.AccountFactory" />
   <import.sdo factory="net.x.webservice.WebserviceFactory" />

I'm not sure if this gets around the problem of registering SDO types or
not.  Does anyone have any thoughts on why import.sdo can only be used once?

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