Oisin may have been referring to how REST would impact the programming model rather than the implementation of bindings. For example, how would cache information in the request be handled by the binding and/or exposed to the application code? What is the mapping between REST resources and SCA services?

Caching, which is only made possible by the fact the RESTful retrieves
are idempotent, might be difficult to do effectively since it's not
really possible to control what the programmer does from within a
mapped retrieve method in the implementation short of giving them a
new execution environment to be bad in :)

IMO we can tackle this in to stages. First one is to get the basic transports working (like JSON-RPC, XML over messaging, HTML over HTTP etc.); that would at least allow SCA applications to provide/ access REST resources. The second stage would be to support more of the semantics of RESTful interactions.



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