Could you give a bit more detail and a few more complete examples, I'm not
sure I understand all this? It seems a lot of XML, you're not likely to use
different databinding technologies on the same interface are you, and would
a lot of this have defaults so you don't have to specify all this for every


On 8/21/06, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to define the XML schema for the tuscany databinding extension
to describe the data types for input and output. Here's an example. Please
note "databinding" will be an extension to the interface type.

< interface="sample.CreditReportService">
    <tuscany:databinding xmlns:tuscany=">
        <operation name="getCreditReport">
                        <part index="0">
                            <dataType name="sdo" xmlType="{
                        <part index="0">
                                <dataType name="sdo" xmlType="{
http://credit}CreditReport"; javaClass="...'/>

Any opinions?


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