Hi Yang, this sounds great and very comprehensive! It could take some time
to complete it all so can i tell you the parts that would be useful to me to
have sooner rather than later to help with Axis2 and E4X, maybe you could
look at implementing some of these bits first?

For now just WSDL 1.1 support using WSDL4J.

- get a WSDL4J PortType for a portType QName and optional wsdl location

- get a WSDL4J Definition from a service QName and optional wsdl location

- get a WSDL4J Port from a service QName and port name, and an optional wsdl
location (actually, i don't really need the Port, just its endpoint location

Scoping seems complicated, scoped by application seems like it would work
with all the samples I'd like to get going. I guess that means app
classloader or maybe something to do with DeploymentContext. It would be
nice to also support namespace reuse within applications when using the
optional location.

For now just locating wsdl bundled with an application is ok for me, and I'd
like it to support automatically find all wsdl anywhere within the
application folder structure, but other's don't sound so keen on that so
maybe configurable to support locating from anywhere or just a specific

How doable does all that sound?


On 8/24/06, Yang ZHONG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It has been one full day since Ant proposed a go for registry and Jim
agreed. If no one oppose, I'm going to contribute a registry.
The registry will support
. different Symbol Spaces (type, top level element, message,
portType/interface, etc.)
. multiple scopings (ClassLoader, location, Eclipse IProject, composite,
. different scope delegations (no delegation, PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST)
. multi-dimension scopings (location vs. ClassLoader/IProject, etc) and
registry aggregation (NameSpace aggregation)
. automatic locate on demand
. automatic load on demand
. automatic refresh on demand
. multi-threading
. weakly/softly referencing scopes (it's user's responsibility not to
reference key from value directly or *indirectly*, it's recommended to
change such strong reference if any to weak/soft one if permanent
isn't desired)

I will also contribute a scoping(SPI) implementation for ClassLoader and
Eclipse IProject, however we may need volunteer(s) to
contribute/integrate/register SCA (composite) scoping.
I will contribute a refreshing checking(SPI) implementation based on
file/ZipEntry/URL timestamp, however we may need volunteers to
contribute/integrate/register locator(SPI) implementation and loader(SPI)

I'll ask for help from Ant to change the Axis2 binding and JavaScript
container to use the registry. Thank Ant for the offer.
I'll also ask Jim for help with the system service part. Thank Jim for the

I'll try to roll out API and SPI for review as soon as possible.




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