On Sep 7, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Raymond Feng wrote:
I propose that we change the Operation model as follows:

   --- name (Name of the operation)
--- inputType (For java, it's a DataType representing the Object []. For WSDL, it could be a DataType representing the top-level request element using Axiom or other databindings) --- outputType (For java, it's a DataType representing the returnType. For WSDL, it could be a DataType representing the top- level response element using Axiom or other databindings) --- faultTypes (A list of DataTypes representing the faults/ exceptions)


   --- databinding
   --- phsicalType
   --- logicalType
--- properties (A list of DataProperty(s) for the DataType to represent the visible children)

Why properties? For example, a Java argument list does not have named parameters (in the source yes but not in the public contract).
Can we just use:
  physicaltype: Object[].class
  logicalType: Class[]{Customer.class, String.class}
  physicalType: OMElement.class
  logicalType: QName{http://example.com, order}

   --- name (QName of the property)
   --- type (DataType for the property)

QName only makes sense for XML - what would that be in the Java case?

For the DataType/DataProperty recursion, we don't have to go too deep. For example, we may only require a list of properties for the DataType for the inputType.

There's something fishy here if the properties only apply in certain use cases.

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