Please forgive the cross post.  A friend at IONA suggested I use this
list instead since the project is still incubating....PC


I want to access context information specific to a binding in my server
component implementation in Tuscany.  


Examples of binding specific context are: JMS queue name or message
properties, HTTP headers, and so on.  JBI/JSR208 use the NMR message
header to provide access to such information.  Celtix provides a thread
local context object to provide such access.


The usage scenario where I would need this is when my server component
is a router for other services and needs to route based upon this


Is there a threadlocal for it?  Is there already a standard way of doing
this across all bindings, or is it "binding proprietary"?  I didn't see
this in other bindings unless I am missing something.


Any pointer to examples or source code showing how this is supported, or
suggestions on adding it would be appreciated.




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