For some reason my isp bounced this...
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jim Marino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 21, 2006 2:52:59 PM PDT
Subject: Re: How can we insert a DataBindingInterceptor for the
outbound wire of a composite-level reference?
On Sep 21, 2006, at 1:23 PM, Raymond Feng wrote:
Hi, Jim.
I'm preparing the move now, basically refining the code and adding
more test cases.
For package names, I'm thinking of the following:
org.apache.tuscany.spi.databinding (DataBinding SPIs)
org.apache.tuscany.spi.databinding.extension (DataBinding related
base classes for extensibility)
org.apache.tuscany.core.databinding (Core DataBinding
org.apache.tuscany.core.databinding.xml (Other simple databindings
and transformers, for DOM, StAX, SAX, I/O etc)
Just to be clear, I only think the base databinding framework
should go in core (I think that is what you have in mind) -e.g.
JAXB, Castor, SDO, etc. would still be service extensions.
BTW, we will need to add "idl/wsdl" as a dependency to the core
for the databinding part.
I guess we have to put that in right? It would be nice if we didn't
but it may be something that has to be done.
Sounds reasonable?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Marino"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: How can we insert a DataBindingInterceptor for the
outbound wire of a composite-level reference?
O.K. great. In the meantime, do you want to work on moving the
databinding framework pieces into core assuming no one objects?
On Sep 20, 2006, at 11:30 AM, Raymond Feng wrote:
Hi, Jim.
Thanks for the prompt response. I'll be waiting for the fix to
complete the databinding integration story. If I can help here,
please let me know.
What I meant "CompositeContext.locateService
(<compositeReferenceName>) " is to get a proxy against the
composite reference directly and invoke it instead of
going through a component reference (which is wired to the
composite reference). Basically, it is the case b) in the
orginal note.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Marino"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: How can we insert a DataBindingInterceptor for the
outbound wire of a composite-level reference?
On Sep 19, 2006, at 11:45 PM, Raymond Feng wrote:
I raised a similar issue on this list before but I didn't get
any responses. When I debugged a test case from Rick today, I
found it was due to same problem.
Let's assume we have composite level reference with Axis2
web service binding.
<reference name="RemoteInteropDocService">
<!-- interface.wsdl interface="
#wsdl.interface(DocTestPortType)"/ -->
< interface="org.soapinterop.DocTestPortType"/>
< endpoint="
(interopDocSvc/interopDocPort)" location="wsdl/interopdoc.wsdl"/>
Physically, there are two service contracts involved for this
1) The interface declared in <>. I assume it's
for the inbound wiring. For example, you can have a reference
at a component being wired to this reference (
component.reference --> composite.reference).
2) The WSDL portType used by the <>. It really
defines the contract for the outgoing request. With Axis2,
AXIOM is the databinding. If a portType is not declared for, we should derive it from the
(Java2WSDL could be used for
We may have two cases (SC: ServiceContract):
a) component.reference (SC1) --> composite.reference (SC2) --
> Axis2 web service (SC3)
b) composite.reference (SC2) --> Axis2 web service (SC3)
(CompositeContext.locateService(<compositeReferenceName>) is
used to make the invocation)
In case a), the DataBindingInterceptor will be added to the
wire (to be precise, SC1.outbound wire) if SC1 and SC2
require some mappings.
But we don't have a way to add a DataBindingInterceptor
between SC2 and SC3. As a result, case b) is failing (Rick's
test case). I have tried to do this in the BindingBuilder but
it doesn't seem to be very straightforward with the
following observations.
1) Wires are created for Reference by the WireService after
the Reference instance is created by a builder.
2) No outbound wire is created for Reference.
3) WirePostProcessor is not triggered for case b).
One thing I can think of is to allow the builder to set an
optional outbound service contract for the Reference and the
WireService will create the outbound wire for Reference in
this case. And the TargetInvoker should be added to the
outbound wire instead of inbound wire. During connecting,
the Connector will trigger the WirePostProcessor to mediate
the inbound wire and outbound wire. Then we have a chance to
add a DataBindingInterceptor to mediate SC2 and SC3.
On the issue of the outbound wire added to a composite
reference you are right, there should be one. I spoke to
Ignacio about this since it touches on some of the callback
and composite reference work but since I've been out, he
should have the latest on if this was added in (I'm guessing
not). If not, I'm sure either he or I can look into doing
that over the next day or so. In any event, the only case I
can think of where we need a mediation "inside" a reference
is when the interface is not compatible with the binding WSDL.
One further question: what d you mean by
"CompositeContext.locateService(<compositeReferenceName>) is
used to make the invocation"?
Any thoughts?
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