A user guide is very useful.
I find the following tutorial stype easy to follow and learn from.


On 9/26/06, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 9/26/06, Kevin Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to start a RDB DAS User's guide and my first thought is to
> begin with some of the content that Luciano has created here:
> http://wiki.apache.org/ws/Tuscany/TuscanyJava/DAS_Java_Overview
> The wiki seems like a good home for user-level documentation since it
> can easily evolve with the implementation.
> The organization of this will be by major functional capability and the
> outline might look like this:
>         Introduction
>         Major Capabilities
>             Simple CRUD
>             Generated Updates
>             Optimistic Concurrency Control
>             Using generated keys
>             etc.
> Each capability section will include an overview as well as code
> Any thoughts on this approach?
> Thanks,
> --Kevin
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