On Sep 26, 2006, at 2:39 PM, Jim Marino wrote:

On Sep 26, 2006, at 2:24 PM, Rick wrote:

Thanks Jim for replying. The WebAppRuntimeImpl is not a component implementation it boots up the sca runtime in a webaap environment. Seems like chick/egg situation. Maybe I misunderstood.
I'm not following how this is a chicken-and-egg situation. A system SCDL needs to have a configuration entry for the session scope object factory. This should work exactly like how the other scope containers are registered.

That would be my guess - just add this to the webapp.scdl in the webapp-host module.

My understanding of the init levels is that it's scope of influence is for components in a composite.

Yes that's correct and if you have dependencies across modules, it's not going to help. What we need is for the dependency thingy Meeraj and Jeremy were working on to resolve out transitive dependencies and load the extensions accordingly. I'm not sure where that is at currently.

Transitive dependencies are not going to address this - they are for the location of resources (e.g, classpath).

One change may be to the way we do deployment. Currently for convenience when you deploy a component we also start it automatically. When we scan for extensions we deploy/start them as we find them.

It is probably better if we modify the deploy API so that it does not automatically start the component. That way the scanner can deploy all the extensions first and then go back and start them all. That would mean that any inter-component references would resolve appropriately.


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