On Sep 29, 2006, at 2:08 PM, Ignacio Silva-Lepe wrote:

I am trying to run the hellowordwsclient sample by changing the bound reference to use an interface.java, with which it runs ok. But if I then add a callbackInterface I get the error below. By using a callbackInterface, an Axis2AsyncTargetInvoker is chosen that calls Axis2's operationClient.execute(false), i.e. non- blocking. Without the callbackInterface an Axis2TargetInvoker is chosen which calls operationClient.execute(true). So it seems as if trying to using a non-blocking operation client execute triggers the error. I have to wonder whether this may be an Axis2 dependency that has not been set up.
Any ideas?

Some version of concurrent I would imagine - I'd suggest looking at the axis2 POM to see if anything is listed there.

Ultimately we don't want to be using a separate thread pool for this - it should hook into our work manager (perhaps Meeraj could help here).

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