Hi Ant,

I was looking up the C++ side of Ruby and found a RubyBank sample out
there.  I was trying to see how I could run that in Java SCA - ideally
should be able to run as is with some very minor modifications.

However I am a bit lost on the very initial step itself of having to define
componentTypes.  Here I am being forced to define 'java' interfaces for the
'ruby' implementations.  I suppose this is going to be the case even with
JavaScript.  Is this ok to be asking out of the user or am I missing
something here?

Is there anyway where I can skip mentioning the service interfaces all to
gether and a generic wire proxy just cascades the method invocations to the
script containers.  Today I guess the contraint comes in because the wire
proxies are generated around java service interfaces ?  Am I lost :) ?


- Venkat

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