You're right, its a shame we have this restriction, but I think we'll have
to live with it for M2. A while back I did try to find a way to avoid this
but I couldn't get anything working with the way the runtime was then,
theres been a lot of changes now though so maybe it would be possible. I'd
really really like to fix this though, so using script components with the
Java runtime works as well as it does with the C++ runtime. Be happy to have
you help, should we look at this as soon as M2 is done?


On 10/11/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ant,

I was looking up the C++ side of Ruby and found a RubyBank sample out
there.  I was trying to see how I could run that in Java SCA - ideally
should be able to run as is with some very minor modifications.

However I am a bit lost on the very initial step itself of having to
componentTypes.  Here I am being forced to define 'java' interfaces for
'ruby' implementations.  I suppose this is going to be the case even with
JavaScript.  Is this ok to be asking out of the user or am I missing
something here?

Is there anyway where I can skip mentioning the service interfaces all to
gether and a generic wire proxy just cascades the method invocations to
script containers.  Today I guess the contraint comes in because the wire
proxies are generated around java service interfaces ?  Am I lost :) ?


- Venkat

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