Hi Adriano

Welcome and thanks for showing interest in Tuscany.

Tuscany Project is about the development of infrastructures that will change
the way enterprise solutions are built and integrated.  To this objective
there are three sub projects happening within Tuscany - SCA, DAS and SDO.

To get a quick overview of these projects and the technologies that they
deal with, please visit our website

You can contribute to any of these sub-projects and may be even all :).  For
now take a look at the site to get some ground on these.

Another site that is worth looking at is http://osoa.org - home of the the
Open SOA collaboration which prescribes the specifications for our SCA and
SDO implementations.   There are some very well written documents
(whitepapers and the specs themselves) out there which will give you a good
idea of SCA and SDO.

So, jump in with these and feel free to ask over the mailing list for any
help you require.  I and the others in Tuscany will be very happly to help.


- Venkat

On 10/14/06, Adriano Crestani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I'm actually studing computer science in UFMT-Brazil (Federal
of Mato Grosso-Brazil) and as Luciano Resende was inviting students to
this project I decided to give a hand to this community with the little
knowledge in database and Java I have, and I expect to learn as much as I
can about XML and the integration between Java and XML. I'd like to know
there's somebody that can help to give the first step on this project,
I don't know where to start :s. Thanks!

Adriano Crestani

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