Welcome Adriano

  Thanks for your interest, you are joining us in a moment where we are all
trying to cut a release and get documentation for it done, so, maybe you
could help us validate the DAS Release candidate and see if the
documentation available with that can give you necessary steps to run
samples and compile the source code. DAS RC3 is available here :


  You can also check the pointers to get started that I sent to Willian
couple weeks ago:


  As for you desire to work with XML, once you get familiarized with the
DAS piece, and want to get a shot on trying to come up with a proposal to
get a XML implementation of DAS, you could start contributing in that area.

  Again, welcome and feel free to ask any questions here...

- Luciano

On 10/13/06, Adriano Crestani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I'm actually studing computer science in UFMT-Brazil (Federal
of Mato Grosso-Brazil) and as Luciano Resende was inviting students to
this project I decided to give a hand to this community with the little
knowledge in database and Java I have, and I expect to learn as much as I
can about XML and the integration between Java and XML. I'd like to know
there's somebody that can help to give the first step on this project,
I don't know where to start :s. Thanks!

Adriano Crestani

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