Hi Raymond,

Please help me understand a little more of this...

- Do you mean that istead of building the application jar  (say
helloworldcalculator.jar) you'd figure out the required extensions and other
dependencies and generate .zip file that will package all of this.  Then I
simply extract the contents of the zip in the place where I have already
extracted the standalone distro.  Is this what what you mean?

- Further imagining (may be this is asking for trouble) - if we can build a
zip file that will contain the applicatoin and standalone distro and also a
bat / sh file that the user simply run instead of typing java -jar
bin/launcher.jar -xyz.jar and so on.


- Venkat

On 10/17/06, Raymond Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some folks didn't see this, trying to resend:


I twisted our war maven plugin so that it can now be used to either
a tuscany standalone application to a directory with the similar structure
as we have for the WAR or create a zip file containing all the required
artifacts and you can unzip it somewhere to run.

Do you see any values? I found it simplify my life to deploy the
helloworldwsclient sample which has quite a few dependencies.

If the answer is yes, I can check in the changes into trunk.


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