Hi Yang,

Really not sure if you bulid SCA and DAS to get thro to SDO.  There was a
mail from Jeremy were he put down the order in which these things should be
built.... will see if I can trace that.  But I vividly remember having to
build SDO for SCA and not viceversa.

- Venkat

On 12/5/06, Yang ZHONG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was trying to build SDO stand-alone.
It always complained parent-2-incubator-SNAPSHOT.pom can't be downloaded.

Thanks to Raymond for pointing out parent-2-incubator-SNAPSHOT.pom is a
generated artifact.

In order to build at root to generate parent-2-incubator-SNAPSHOT.pom,
I had to download and build too many sub-projects including SCA, DAS,
spec/SCA, spec/DAS?, distribution/SCA, sampleapps and samples.

Even if it's a one-time setup,
is there any way to make sub-project build/participation easier please?
If yes, can we document that please?



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