I've updated to revision  489777, and the das java overview is missing the
"release contents" like :

Currently, the project's code base includes an implementation of a DAS RDB
(relational database) with following key features :
DAS M1 release - Key features


  RDB CRUD operations in terms of SDO DataObjects

  Optimistic concurrency control

  Generated database IDs

  Stored procedures

  Paging API

  1..1 and 1..n relationships

  Partial row updates

DAS M2 release - Key features

  - DAS Core features

     MySQL support

     Static Data Objects

     Dynamic root for static graphs

     "Unique" attribute on relationships

     Explicit ResultSet shape definition

     Improved logging

     Programmatic Configuration

     Helper for empty SDO Graph

     Convention over configuration

        Column named "ID" is the PK

        Column named "xxx_ID" is the FK to table "xxx"
        - DAS Samples

     Tomcat integration and automated DAS samples testing (htmlUnit)

     DAS Samples now have all dependencies and source code inside the
     sample war

You can also look at our Tuscany DAS
more updated and live information. .
Did you move this to a different location ?

On 12/22/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have committed all changes and hopefully we must see the changed website
in a max of over 4 hours.

Thanks for all the feedback and comments.

- Venkat

On 12/22/06, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> haleh mahbod wrote:
> > Thank you Venkat for your efforts.
> >
> > A few comments:
> >
> > 1. Link to getting started doc for under Java is wrong.
> > go to
> >
> >
> > and click on Getting started with SCA Java Milestone 2
> > Release<
> >
> >
> This is as intended.  Why do you think it is wrong?  Is is because the
> page title does not match the link?  This page does contain "Getting
> Started" information for SCA Java M2.  Do you think the name of the
> page, or the name of the link, need to be updated?  Or do you think
> the content of the page is not appropriate?
> > 2. I am not sure what the numbering and indented sections on this page
> > mean.
> > It is the index from Getting started with SCA Java? You may want to
> rid
> > of it.
> > 3. I wish there was an easy way on the download page to identify
> in
> > the release. Can we we link to readme?
> >
> The content from the readme should be placed in the SCA Releases page.
> Currently this page is only linked from Releases.  Maybe it could be
> linked from other places as well.
> > 4. Can we get rid of the word 'perscribed by OSOA'  in the on
> >
> >
> >
> > "Tuscany provides a Java implementation for the SCA specifications *
> > prescribed* by OSOA."
> > To
> > "Tuscany Java SCA provides an implementation for the SCA specification
> that
> > is available on www.osoa.org"
> >
> It should be specifications not specification as there are a numnber of
> them.  How about "Tuscany Java SCA provides an implementation for
> the SCA specifications that are available on www.osoa.org"?
>    Simon
> >
> > Haleh
> >
> >
> > On 12/21/06, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Thanks for looking this up and giving in your feedback.  I have taken
> in
> >> the
> >> comments from each of you and have made the necessary
changes.  Please
> >> check
> >> them out at
> .
> >>
> >> Unless I hear any significant change to be made, I plan to commit
> >> tomorrow and hope the site refreshes when folks in the US start their
> >> day.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> - Venkat
> >>
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Luciano Resende

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