I'd like to help with the classloader work as well.  It's time I got into
some real Java programming :-)


Raymond Feng wrote:


Please see my comments below.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 7:09 AM
Subject: Java kernel release

Over the past couple of weeks we have made progress in upgrading the capabilities of the kernel, including starting support for a standalone server, JMX, and SCA deployment. In addition, we have made changes that have allowed us to support existing SCA features such as multiple bindings for services and references as well as implement recent spec changes such as the introduction of autowire in the assembly model. Related to this, Jeremy has begun work to further modularize our source tree with the goal of allowing us to release the kernel and extensions independently.

Great job! You guys made a lot of improvements during the holidays.

Given this, I would like to get another release of the kernel going shortly. Some of the features I am personally interested in seeing are:

- A standalone service with JMX support for management
- A functioning deployment implementation that corresponds to the current SCA deployment proposal for contributing and mutating assemblies - Closer alignment with the Java C&I specification (scopes, conversations, autowire attributes, eager initialization semantics, support for resources)

There are some JIRA issues created from the test cases in "testing\sca\itest\test-spec". We should try to fix them.

- Closer alignment with the assembly specification (multiple bindings per service/reference, property overrides)

- Improved extension support, including classloader isolation (i.e. use of multiparent classloading)

Is there anyone working on this? If not, I can try to help.

Another key goal I would like to see is a focus on hardening the kernel. We still have a number of critical code paths which are fragile and have little to no test coverage.

I would ideally like to get a kernel release out by the end of the month that extension developers can use which is fairly stable and robust. Depending on the outcome of changes under consideration by the SCA collaboration, this would put us in a fairly good position to support a significant number of features by the time the specifications are released in their "1.0" form.




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