On Mar 20, 2007, at 9:26 AM, Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

As part of this discussion and vote could we also summarize the technical reasons for each of us to be going one way or the other. Since this is a major decision point it would be good for everybody to know why we as a community are taking a specific direction and helps us to get back to these
design decisions in the future whenever in doubt.  I am really keen on
understanding each of our technical perspectives in this regard and not
necessary in the context of weighing opinions for this vote.

I would too. We have actually had this discussion before, around this time last year, and went with simple POJOs because they were easier to use and did not require people to write several classes to wrap a single field. The responsibility of conversion to/from XML was treated as a problem for an XML binding and, at the time, the SDO folk said they would look at a mechanism for loading user-supplied POJOs (much like JAXB already allows).

Here is my attempt at this...

[X] +1 we should do this
[  ] -1 keep things as they are

My Reasons : (from whatever little I have been thro)
- I see that the interfaces will help us align better with the assembly
model stated in the specs.

I agree we need to evolve the current model in line with the spec but that is about model content and not about whether the model is implemented as POJOs or interfaces. I wanted to keep discussion of what we need to do to evolve the model separate from this discussion.

What is publicly available out of the model is
just about what is published in the interfaces and that is just about what the core (or extensions) should be using. Otherwise we might encapsulate into the model all that our core implementation would ideally need. Also basing the model on interfaces us flexibility in that while the model's implementation undergoes change the core that uses it continues unaffected.

Thing is, there is no implementation in the model - it is a bunch of simple POJO beans, structs with accessors (I consider set/get methods as a syntactic convention). Interfaces have a role in abstracting implementation but here there is no implementation to abstract.

But then we've been here before ...

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