Simon Laws wrote:
On 4/16/07, Simon Laws <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having problems getting XSD includes to load in the databinding itest
so am interested to know if we are using a different version of than used to be the case. I'm getting an NPE in
this package because the baseUri in the XmlSchemaCollection is not set up correctly. I'm going to dig into why this is the case but if anyone knows why things have changed or is alos getting this effect I would be interested
to know.


OK, so I have not solved this satisfactorily but I have put in a work around on my machine. I added the following lines to
(the two lines I added are the ones with the comment above them).

           // Read inline schemas
           Types types = definition.getTypes();
           if (types != null) {
               for (Object ext : types.getExtensibilityElements()) {
                   if (ext instanceof Schema) {
                       Element element = ((Schema)ext).getElement();

// TODO: temporary fix to make includes in imported
                       //       schema work. The XmlSchema library was
                       //       because the base uri was not set. This
                       //       affect imports.
                       XmlSchemaCollection schemaCollection =


The scenario I have is:

WSDL <import..---> XSD <inlcude..---> XSD

The impact of this change is that the includes are processed BUT they are
processed relative to the base URI I set up, i.e. the URI of of the WSDL
document not the URI of the XML that includes them. I can work round this
for the time being as all the XSDs are in the same directory (and this lets
me get on and work through the rest of the test) but it's not a generic
solution. So this needs some more work to either work out how to configure the XmlSchema library properly or take a look at the latest version to see
if this apparent problem is fixed.


Simon, what you've done looks like the right fix to me as an XSD include from an XML schema inlined in a WSDL document should be loaded relative to the WSDL document.


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